The Blog that Exposes the Plastic 90210 Celebrities. The ones you love and the ones you love to hate!
Cancelled? Say It Isn't So!
NOOOOOO, I just can't believe it.The Simple Life got cancelled? Why would they cancel such a compelling, exciting show like this? Ummm could it be because no one watches it? Well, it is official, it is cancelled. So Parasite can now quit running around telling everyone she is getting ready to do her 6th season.
Is The Parasite Turning Into A Bug?
Britney's Gets Thrown Out Of The Wynn Hotel In Las Vegas
Britney Spears and her over zelous body guard got thrown out of the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas when the body guard started to beat up a papaprazzi for trying to get a picture of Sean Preston. The Wynn Hotel asked them to leave.
Britney already was in trouble because she had violated the custody order for her kids by taking them out of the state without permission from K Fed.
Looks like this trainwreck just doesn't know when to stop.
Blohan Is Now Getting Sued
It is reported that now the 3 passengers in the SUV are suing Lindsey Lohan.
Lindsay Lohan allegedly chased down her assistant and the police responded to a 911 call reporting a white SUV was chasing her. She had no idea it was Lindsey because Lindsey was driving someone else's SUV.
Dante Nigro, Jakon Sutter and Ronnie Blake are friends with the boyfriend of Lindsay's former assistant. They filed law suits against her.
They reported that Lindsay invited them to a party with her but she only let the one man in the house. He happened to be white and the 2 that were not allowed in were Black. They also claim that Lindsay and her assistant then got into a huge fight and her assistant stormed off. They guys were going to leave when Lindsey jumped in their SUV and started to drive.
The guys said she headed to PCH in Malibu. Dante says he tried to grab the wheel,and Lindsay said, "If you touch me I'll sue you." Jakon says they pleaded with her to stop.
Dante says they were going 100 MPH. They say Lindsay caught up with the assistant and began doing circles on PCH, around the assistant's car.
They also told TMZ that at one point Lindsay boasted, "I can't get in trouble. I'm a celebrity. I can do whatever the f**k I want.
The former assistant managed to lose Lindsey but Dante said Lindsay thought the assistant was going to her mother's house in Santa Monica so Lindsay headed to the Mom's house. When Lindsey arrived, the mother was pulling into her drive.
Dante says the mother was scared when she saw the crazy SUV coming at her and pulled back out of the driveway. She had no idea who was driving the SUV.The guys reported that Lindsay then began to chase her going 80 mph and running stop signs and red lights.
Dante realized that the Mom was driving towards the Police station and warned her to stop and Lindsey reportedly said " I won't get into trouble because I am a celebrity".
Meanwhile the Mom had already called 911.The Mom stopped in a parking lot by the police station and Lindsey stopped also. When the police arrived Lindsey told the Police that "the black kid was driving".
The police smelled liquor and gave Lindsey a field sobriety test and he flunked. The police later found cocaine in the pants pocket and she told them that it was not hers, she didn't own the pants they were borrowed pants.
These 3 men have all filed law suits against the drunk celeb.
I have since found out that her monitoring bracelet only was being monitored by her lawyer. AND it only works if it is on the skin. So when she was wearing it in the club and had nylons on, it would not work. Seems it was just a PR move anyway since it was a volunteer thing and she made sure she was photgraphed with it in her bikini's,etc. To her it was a badge of honor.
OK, Guess Who??
Guess Who??
OK take a guess on this one....

I know you are probably saying Britney? Britney is that you?
Nope, it's none other than Perez Hilton Queen of all Media from sporting a camel toe and looking very Britney Chic. We thought Britney had covered up and put a shirt on for these pics but we now see it is not her. Perez is much better looking than Brit.

I know you are probably saying Britney? Britney is that you?
Nope, it's none other than Perez Hilton Queen of all Media from sporting a camel toe and looking very Britney Chic. We thought Britney had covered up and put a shirt on for these pics but we now see it is not her. Perez is much better looking than Brit.
Opps She Did It Again
Would You Ever Consider Going Out In Public Looking Like This?
I can't even imagine being rich and famous and going to my back yard looking like this let alone going out and running errands like this. I really think that she does this to get our attention and yes it works but how will she be able to sell herself as being "sexy" like she was able to before. There is something stuck in my brain about shaving her head, attacking cars with umbrellas, walking bare foot in public gas station bathrooms that I just can't get over. But she is rich so she is laughing her way to the bank.

Blohan Says "The Drugs Weren't Hers"
Well Blohan speaks out on this little mix up. She said "Yes, I am innocent ... did not do drugs they're not mine. I was almost hit by my assistant Tarin's mom. I appreciate everyone giving me my privacy." OK they were in her pocket so she must have just been carrying them for someone. Now the as far as the assistants Mom almost hitting her, Ummm the witnesses reported Lindsey was chasing her. The lady didn't know who it was when she called the police and reported she was being chased. Blohan must have just been confused. We believe you Lindsey. You are being targeted just like how Paris was targeted. We really feel for you. Hope you like Orange.
Friday's OK Magazine Is A Must Buy!
So OK magazine was going to pay Britney 1 million dollars for their interview/photo shoot. Well eveidently things didn't go as planned. They had stylists lined up waiting to transform the Ummm, new Britney into something presentable. Well she refused and wanted to have her friends do her hair and makeup.
Reports came out that not only was she not looking real good but at times her eyes were rolling back in her head and she kept running to the bathroom and would return with a changed personality.
It was also reported that she had them order her fried chicken and wiped her greasy fingers on a designer dress and her puppy pooped on the floor and she cleaned it up with a designer dress. Very Classy.
It was reported "After wiping her fried chicken-grease-covered hands on a $274 dress and picking up her puppy’s poop with a $6,700 Zac Posen gown, Britney Spears shocked OK! magazine staffers at her photo shoot last Thursday by storming out with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise.
Spears allegedly fled the shoot wearing $12,861 worth of jewelry, a $974 Vera Wang dress, $380 Lanvin heels and a $281 Pucci scarf. When the clothes she ruined are added, the total comes to $21,267."
Well, things didn't go as planned and she stormed out and so she is not getting the million dollars which means that OK can't print the pictures of Brit with her eyes rolled back in her head.
It was reported that if the pictures were printed her career would be over. What career?
In the end, OK has a hot story they are releasing this Friday. Don't miss out on this one. This one will surely make everyone just on Team Federline. Who would have ever thought we would be on his team?
Blohan Arrested for DUI and Cocaine AGAIN!
Hmmm? What do these 3 have in common?

Well, looks like Blohan was busted for another DUI after a woman she was chasing in her SUV called the police. She was in Santa Monica when the arrest occurred. It also was reported that cocaine was found in her pants pocket. She was driving under a suspended license. You know, like Parasite. She must not have been told either. Her blood alcohol level was between .12 and .13, well over the .08 legal limit.So makes you wonder if that alcohol bracelet she was parading around with was fake or not.
She was charged with 2 misdemeanors and 2 felony charges.Her bail was set at $25,000.
Now being that Parasite went to jail for the same crime, the "Opps I didn' t know my license was suspended after my DUI", and then Blohan was caught with cocaine 2 times, I am thinking her red hair is going to clash a bit bright with that orange jump suit.
When is Hollywood going to send out the message that this behavior is not acceptable? Instead they get more famous and get better deals, and make more money.
Well, looks like Blohan was busted for another DUI after a woman she was chasing in her SUV called the police. She was in Santa Monica when the arrest occurred. It also was reported that cocaine was found in her pants pocket. She was driving under a suspended license. You know, like Parasite. She must not have been told either. Her blood alcohol level was between .12 and .13, well over the .08 legal limit.So makes you wonder if that alcohol bracelet she was parading around with was fake or not.
She was charged with 2 misdemeanors and 2 felony charges.Her bail was set at $25,000.
Now being that Parasite went to jail for the same crime, the "Opps I didn' t know my license was suspended after my DUI", and then Blohan was caught with cocaine 2 times, I am thinking her red hair is going to clash a bit bright with that orange jump suit.
When is Hollywood going to send out the message that this behavior is not acceptable? Instead they get more famous and get better deals, and make more money.
Parasite Calls The Papparazzi~She's Not The Only One
It was reported a while back that Skankolina Jolie has her publicist call the papparazzi and tell them where she is and what time to show up. This way she can pose in her most natural, caught by the papparazzi look. You know, orphan in hand, gazing over a rice field or gazing at a map or sitting in an orphanage with a scarf on her head with a pad of paper in hand looking concerned. You've all seen the shots.
OK well Parasite does the same thing. This was excerpted from the Daily Mail’s “The strange and lonely life of Paris Hilton“:
As I stood by the pool of the Setai Hotel in Miami, sipping a lychee martini, word went round our circle that Paris Hilton wished to leave for the beach.
It sounded like a simple request – but nothing is ever simple where Paris is concerned.
The heiress had decreed her ‘exit’ was, like so many trivial moments in her life, a photo opportunity.
Within minutes she had phoned half a dozen journalists and photographers and told them where she was and what she was planning to do.
Others in her entourage did the same: “Paris Hilton is at the Setai and she’s about to leave. Get down here straight away.”
As if from nowhere, two hair and beauty stylists appeared and slipped behind a partition with Paris.
OK so what part of her has changed, improved or gotten over herself since jail? I say none.
OK well Parasite does the same thing. This was excerpted from the Daily Mail’s “The strange and lonely life of Paris Hilton“:
As I stood by the pool of the Setai Hotel in Miami, sipping a lychee martini, word went round our circle that Paris Hilton wished to leave for the beach.
It sounded like a simple request – but nothing is ever simple where Paris is concerned.
The heiress had decreed her ‘exit’ was, like so many trivial moments in her life, a photo opportunity.
Within minutes she had phoned half a dozen journalists and photographers and told them where she was and what she was planning to do.
Others in her entourage did the same: “Paris Hilton is at the Setai and she’s about to leave. Get down here straight away.”
As if from nowhere, two hair and beauty stylists appeared and slipped behind a partition with Paris.
OK so what part of her has changed, improved or gotten over herself since jail? I say none.
Yes, It's True! Parasite Is Heading Back To The Recording Studio!
Even though Parasite was dropped by Warner after they announced it had no plans to release another album by Hilton after poor sales and a negative response from critics of Paris. After her debut single "Stars Are Blind" reached no. 18 on the U.S. Billboard charts for manybe ummmm 15 minutes, her second single "Nothing in This World" barely registered on the charts, reaching No. 89 on the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Charts. Her CD vanished after a brief appearance on the Billboard album charts after selling 77,000 copies. Which those were probably bought by her parents!
At the time during an interview Parasite was praising her own CD and said, “I, like, cry, when I listen to it, it's so good. But it was the others who cry for different reasons when they hear it.
Did this stop her from going at it again? Nope. Parasite was photgraphed visiting a voice couch a couple times a week. Hilton is determined to keep on singing, saying, "I'm already working on my new record." She is putting out a second album soon. This is heart stopping inforation. I can barely wait. If the last CD sold 77,000 copies, there is no telling what this one will do.
RIP Tammy Faye
Tammy Faye Baker passed on 7/20 (Friday) This is part of her interview with Larry King this week. She had said she was in pain 24/7. I'm glad that is over for her. RIP Tammy Faye.
OK Is It Just Me Or Is This Girl Totally Done With Her Career?
Yep, this is her come back she is planning. Britney was photographed here while shooting her new music video. Now am I the only one who is just not seeing the appeal here anymore. The only manager that I think is good enough to take no talent white trash and make them into stars is....Ummm? Oh Yeah, Joe Simpson. I bet he is up for the job.

Source Dlisted
Source Dlisted
Umm Can Someone Talk To Tara?
Two days ago we saw her stomach winking at us from a bad Lipo jobs and now what is exactly going on here? Remember this is her new and improved plastic surgery she has had done to fix the first Dr's work. Wow, This one looks like a water balloon right before it slips out of your hands. Someone probably needs to talk to Tara about being more "creative" with her fashion decisions based on her new issues.

Source:Just Jared
Source:Just Jared
Posh Spice Must Have Missed This In The Mirror
With all of Hollywood's plastic, made over wonders does it suprise us that now and then we chatch a picture of them that makes them actually seem normal.
Posh is no exception. Looks like she must have missed this in the mirror or it is some serious Photo Shop!
Source: Just Jared
Come on, what is that?

Source: Dlisted
Posh is no exception. Looks like she must have missed this in the mirror or it is some serious Photo Shop!
Come on, what is that?
Source: Dlisted
OK Does She Want Us To Believe She Is A Surfer Chick?
We all remember Parasite pretending to surf in Hawaii with her bug sun glasses on but she has now taken it to a whole new level.Now can anyone tell me what will she do with her puppy while she is surfing? Take it with her? Leave it to bake in a Louis Vuitton bag on the beach? Or let it roam the beach then she can post "lost dog signs" like she did with Tinker Bell. Can some one tell me why on earth this woman is famous? Does she REALLY think we believe the crap she tries to feed us?

Tara Reid is Winking At You!
Infamous party girl Tara had gotten her bad plastic surgery redone. Her boobies as well as her lipo that made her stomach look like clay we supposedly corrected by a new skilled surgeon. Well now she appears at the beach with this mess. Her belly is winking at you! I mean doesn't she look in the mirror when she tries on a bikini? Maybe a one piece is better suited for ther wonky eyed belly!


Parasites Nip Slip, But Where Did They Go?
The other day Parasite was trying to pretend she could surf and she fell off the board with no waves anywhere in site. The Posing Parasite lost her top and wahm, out came the nip.Click on the pic and it will show the full size. That nip is like a man's nip. Now I realize there are good bras, but come on, look at these two pics. The nip slip was from over the weekend. The exploding boobies are from before the Parasite went into the slammer. That is some amazing bra!

Do You Remember Linda Evans From Dynasty?
What has she done? She showed up for a reunion and Joan Collins said that Linda Looked like a Gargoyle. I personally think she looks like Roy Scheider in drag. Remember Roy from Jaws? Ladies just make a mental note now. When thinking of plastic surgery if anyone tells you to puff up your lips like a carp or implant car fenders into your cheeks to look younger, RUN! These women end up looking like men in drag.

Source D listed
Source D listed
Playboy Bunny Kendra Has Hairy Boobies!
Can we all say Ewwwww together???? Kendra is one of Hugh's girlfriends who is rumored to be bisexual. She was spotted on the red carpet recently.When a reporter tried to say Hello to her, Kendra replied she was drunk. Then with a closer eye we can see that she might be a little high on her testosterone levels. I'm not sure but the last time I checked men have hair on their chests, not women.Looks like the bisexual bunny needs a little bit more grooming before stepping out.
Parasite's Portable Hair
We've all had a bad hair day but when Parasite has one, she just gets new hair. Once again Parasite is photographed carrying what ever it is that we are supposed to see her with at the moment. The Bible, The Secret, The Power Of Now and here she is carrying her hair in a box that she is the spokes person for.Is it just me or is there something totally not hot about carrying your hair around in a box?

Barbara Walters Speaks Out About Parasite Interview
Barbarba Walters spoke out on the view about the interview that she lost to Larry King and why it happened. She explained that while people do not pay for interviews, it is common for them to pay for videos, family pictures,etc. In the parasite case, the father or the parasite told Babs that he was sorry but they were going with another network because they were offered $1,000,000.00 for it. OK, I wasn't aware of the fact that the Hilton's needed more money, but that's right, parasite did have her car repo'd while she was in the slammer.
Anyway deal was leaked to the public and the deal fell apart. Then parasite came back to Babs and offered her the interview again and she declined. That is how Larry was able to grab the deal.
So now, thanks to Babs, the word is out. YES, it is common practice for stars to get paid for interviews. It's through the "back door" but they do get paid. Knowing parasite, I am sure that is how she likes it anyway.
Anyway deal was leaked to the public and the deal fell apart. Then parasite came back to Babs and offered her the interview again and she declined. That is how Larry was able to grab the deal.
So now, thanks to Babs, the word is out. YES, it is common practice for stars to get paid for interviews. It's through the "back door" but they do get paid. Knowing parasite, I am sure that is how she likes it anyway.
Stars Without Makeup
I don't know about you but it sure makes me feel better to see Celebs without their lashes,etc. The only picture in this collection that is still posed is Mariah. We all know she always poses tip toeing through the water, or in Aspen with her dog in a bikini top and her ski jacket. Yeah, like that is normal. Enjoy!
Ummmm How Do You Spell "Has Been"?
OK is it just me or is this chick just totally disgusting? Rumor has it she is back to drinking again but that we can't say for sure. What we can say for sure is that she looks like she relaly needs a good bath. She is proof that with a good make up artist, anyone can look hot. I guess there is even hope for me because I KNOW I don't look this nasty!

Love Him Or Hate Him, Michael Moore Speaks His Mind
Outspoken Michael Moore goes after Wolfe on CNN discussing his new movie SICKO. The movie is bringing the dirty politics involved in health care industry. This film is going to cause alot of controvery as you can see Michael Moore sure knows how to stir things up.
Reporter Burns Parasite Report
Looks like we're not the only ones who are sick of this parasite getting coverage when she is not worth the air we breathe.
What is Parasite Up To Now?
Well, parasite has been spotted going to her acting coaches home with her acting book in place. Then she was spotted going to singing lessons with her singing book in place. When we see pics like this of her makes you wonder if she isn't trying out for a Middle Eastern Musical. Maybe the men over there don'ty know she is infested with crabs and el herpo in the vag-o.
Britney Says " I'm sorry" to X17
Just in case you live on another planet and were not aware that Britney shaved her head and the attacked a car with an umbrella, we'd like to refresh your memory.
Britney resently delivered X17 a hand written note explaining why it happened and says she is sorry. It was just Britney rehearshing for a part in a movie. Whew, I am glad she cleared that up. I thought for a second she had lost her mind.
Parasite Back In LA and Posing Again
Well the Parasite is back in LA and back to her old tricks of buying books/magazines and carrying them so the paparazzi gets pics of her carrying them. Now looks like she is studying up on Africa since that is the big fad to be supporting. Heck if Skankolina can stop cutting herself, french kissing her brother and now people think she is Mother Theresa just because she poses in Africa with orphans, certainly Parasite can get people to over look her past too.
I notice also she is sticking with the conservative clothes too well, except when she was tanning her va jay jay at the beach in Hawaii.

I notice also she is sticking with the conservative clothes too well, except when she was tanning her va jay jay at the beach in Hawaii.
Can't Parasite Ever Keep Her Legs Together?
Just What Has Changed About Parasite?
Source:Hollywood Rag
Here we can see Parasite gazing lovingly at herself in a mirror. I am convinced she has Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by someone having extreme focus on themself, and is a maladaptive, rigid, and persistent condition that cannot be controlled without therapy. I can cause significant distress and functional impairment. Which could explain why Parasite was curled up on her jail cell floor. In withdrawl from no mirrors.
Parasite Offers A Small Prayer After Bible Study Class
Parasite Can't Stop Posing
Parastie is still in Hawaii. She is posing like she is "surfing". OK well first suggestion to her is people don't surf in sun glasses. Second, it's not a boogie board so you don't wait at the shore holding the tip, you paddle out and get in the line up and lay or sit on your board for the set to roll in. She needs someone to help her look more believable for her pictures.
Britney is Upset!
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