Well, looks like Blohan was busted for another DUI after a woman she was chasing in her SUV called the police. She was in Santa Monica when the arrest occurred. It also was reported that cocaine was found in her pants pocket. She was driving under a suspended license. You know, like Parasite. She must not have been told either. Her blood alcohol level was between .12 and .13, well over the .08 legal limit.So makes you wonder if that alcohol bracelet she was parading around with was fake or not.
She was charged with 2 misdemeanors and 2 felony charges.Her bail was set at $25,000.
Now being that Parasite went to jail for the same crime, the "Opps I didn' t know my license was suspended after my DUI", and then Blohan was caught with cocaine 2 times, I am thinking her red hair is going to clash a bit bright with that orange jump suit.
When is Hollywood going to send out the message that this behavior is not acceptable? Instead they get more famous and get better deals, and make more money.
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