Remember when she made her announcement that now that she is a Mom she is not going to do voilent movies? So she still does sex scences, and she still does violent movies but Brad is not allowed to do sex scenes. Ummm? who do you think wears the pants in this tribe?
The Blog that Exposes the Plastic 90210 Celebrities. The ones you love and the ones you love to hate!
Britney Boozing It Up
Here's a video of Jamie Spears and Britney at Christian Audigier's birthday party the other night. As soon as Jamie notices they are being videotaped, watch him as he quickly moves the booze away from Britney. You can tell he is on damage control with her. But I have to hand it to Jamie, she seems much more normal now.
Britney Spears
Britney Gets In Another Accident
Daddy Spears needs to take away her keys or sell that car. She obviously still doesn't know how to drive.
Britney Spears
Jamie Lynn Spears Pregnant Belly Video
Finally we get to see the belly bump. I was starting to think it was another PR ploy for them to get more attention. But looks like she's coming along fine now. I wonder how long before she shaves her head and quite wearing panties?
Jamie Lynn Spears
Paris Dancing In Turkey
This girl has zero rhythm. She is at a pageant in Turkey and a famous belly dancer tries to get Paris to learn how to belly dance. Paris can't get it so she just poses and throws her self around like the fool that she is. Is her 15 minutes almost up now? Please?
Paris Hilton
Obama Girl Tell Hillary To Get Out
Looks like this Skank is still milking her 15 minutes of fame. She probably is really not even voting. I am sure this is nothing other than a publicity stunt for HER!
Prison in the Philippines
Well, they are back! The prisioners in the Philippines made their debut a few months ago doing a Michael Jackson's Thriller.
I guess they take requests, because due to popular demand they performed the Soulja Boy dance followed by MC Hammer's "You Can't Touch This."
I guess they take requests, because due to popular demand they performed the Soulja Boy dance followed by MC Hammer's "You Can't Touch This."
Misc. Non-Celeb News
Priscilla Presley On Dancing With The Stars
Well Priscilla admits to getting automotive silicone injected into her face, but I have to say for a 60+ woman, she still looks really good. Her from Argentina who was injecting his clients with low-grade silicone similar to what's used to lube auto parts. Dr. Daniel Serrano gave Priscilla the injections in 2003 and told her it was better than Botox. Dr. Serrano smuggled the non-FDA approved drug into the US and charged $300 to $500 per session.
The feds have named him Dr. Jiffy Lube. I hope he is good at working on exhaust systems too. He'll need it in jail.
The feds have named him Dr. Jiffy Lube. I hope he is good at working on exhaust systems too. He'll need it in jail.
Priscilla Presley
Britney Is Looking Hot
Britney traded in her old brown weave for a new blonde one. One look at this picture and you must admit, she is looking really hot these days. My guess is she will start modeling soon.

Britney Spears
K Fed In Las Vegas
KFed turned 30 this weekend and celebrated it in Las Vegas. The only recognizable person in the group besides K Fed was Shar Jackson, his ex. It seems the crowd wasn't feeling him because they boo'd him as he babbled about his voice and losing money once he grabbed the mic. A friend of his save him from himself and pulled the mic away.
Kevin Federline
Jared Leto in Chapter 27
Jared Leto and Lindsay Lohan star in Chapter 27 which will hit the theaters on March 28th.
It's just hard to even think of Lindsay Lohan as a serious actress.
It's just hard to even think of Lindsay Lohan as a serious actress.
Lindsay Lohan
Chocolate Rain~ Youtube Award~Tay Zonday
Tay is amazing."Chocolate Rain"is an original song by Tay Zonday
I can't believe this voice comes out of this guy! Love it
I can't believe this voice comes out of this guy! Love it
Misc. Non-Celeb News
J Lo Steps Out In NYC
Wow, looks like Jlo not only got her Celebriry tummy tuck with her C section, but looks like she also go her face lifted. Looking quite well rested doesn't she?
Looks like Skeletor is the one getting stuck feeding the kids. He probaby expresses her milk while she sleeps. You know this bitch isn't taking care of those kids.

Looks like Skeletor is the one getting stuck feeding the kids. He probaby expresses her milk while she sleeps. You know this bitch isn't taking care of those kids.
Jennifer Lopez
Britney Get Let Out For Shopping
Since Daddy Spears still is the guardian over Britney, she has been acting human again. Forget the custody fight over the kids, I think they should give her Dad custody of her!
Britney Spears
The Emperor's Club Spitzer's Hooker's Home
Here is Kristen's (The Hooker)ad. As you can see it is a bunch of BS only geared to entice. She is a 22 yr old high school dropout who was homeless until she hooked up with a "boyfriend" who she was with living in a $11,000 a month apartment.
Govenor Spitzer's Prostitute
Govenor Spitzer's Prostitute
The hooker's real name is Ashley Yonis, the changes it to Ashley Ray Maekay Deepeatro, then changes it again to Ashley Alexandra Dupre. Yeah I like that name. It sounds good for a hooker.

It is being reported that Govenor Spitzer's hooker's name is "Kristen" but her real name is Ashley Alexandra Dupre. Before that she was Ashley Youmans. She is a mere high school drop out from New Jersey.
The Associated Press contacted the Hooker's family in New Jersey and spoke with her brother Kyle.
He told them "I've talked to my sister every five minutes since this happened, and I'm not going to comment on it," he said. "She's just trying to get through this."
If you take a look at her myspace page you can look into the life of a hooker. She of course claims she is a "aspiring musician". I'm willing to bet every hooker out there claims she is a college student, or an aspiring actress or aspiring musician,etc. How about just admitting you are a loser and have no way to make money other than by selling your nasty clam?
Click Here To See Govenor Spitzer's Hooker
She writes "I have been alone. I have abused drugs. I have been broke and homeless. But, I survived, on my own. I am here, in NY because of my music."
Yes, the homeless line. That one works everytime.
On Aug. 30 she wrote on MySpace, "The past few months have been a roller coaster with so called friends, lovers, and family ... but its something you have to deal with and confront in order to move on ..."
"What destroys me strengthens me" is one of the quotes she has by her picture. If it sounds familiar it should. That is the line that Angelina Jolie has tattoo'd with the big cross across her belly.
In an interview with the New York Times she said:
"I just don't want to be thought of as a monster. This has been a very difficult time. It's complicated."
The hooker told the times that "her boyfriend left her and she doesn't know how she is going to pay the rent". Her rent is $11,000.00 a month. So to go from homeless to that, she's getting some big tips from somewhere!
Ummm, I have an idea that she will pay the rent just fine. I bet Hefner is scrambling to get in touch with her to hire her for Playboy.
Spitzer, his family and his wife,career is destroyed and the hooker will now be famous and rich. I'm not saying it's her fault but as in everything, it takes two to tango and if he is getting in trouble legally, I do think she should too.
It is reported that the hooker appeared in federal court Monday as a witness in the case the prostitution ring.
It is being reported that Govenor Spitzer's hooker's name is "Kristen" but her real name is Ashley Alexandra Dupre. Before that she was Ashley Youmans. She is a mere high school drop out from New Jersey.
The Associated Press contacted the Hooker's family in New Jersey and spoke with her brother Kyle.
He told them "I've talked to my sister every five minutes since this happened, and I'm not going to comment on it," he said. "She's just trying to get through this."
If you take a look at her myspace page you can look into the life of a hooker. She of course claims she is a "aspiring musician". I'm willing to bet every hooker out there claims she is a college student, or an aspiring actress or aspiring musician,etc. How about just admitting you are a loser and have no way to make money other than by selling your nasty clam?
Click Here To See Govenor Spitzer's Hooker
She writes "I have been alone. I have abused drugs. I have been broke and homeless. But, I survived, on my own. I am here, in NY because of my music."
Yes, the homeless line. That one works everytime.
On Aug. 30 she wrote on MySpace, "The past few months have been a roller coaster with so called friends, lovers, and family ... but its something you have to deal with and confront in order to move on ..."
"What destroys me strengthens me" is one of the quotes she has by her picture. If it sounds familiar it should. That is the line that Angelina Jolie has tattoo'd with the big cross across her belly.
In an interview with the New York Times she said:
"I just don't want to be thought of as a monster. This has been a very difficult time. It's complicated."
The hooker told the times that "her boyfriend left her and she doesn't know how she is going to pay the rent". Her rent is $11,000.00 a month. So to go from homeless to that, she's getting some big tips from somewhere!
Ummm, I have an idea that she will pay the rent just fine. I bet Hefner is scrambling to get in touch with her to hire her for Playboy.
Spitzer, his family and his wife,career is destroyed and the hooker will now be famous and rich. I'm not saying it's her fault but as in everything, it takes two to tango and if he is getting in trouble legally, I do think she should too.
It is reported that the hooker appeared in federal court Monday as a witness in the case the prostitution ring.
Govenor Spitzer's Prostitute
Vintage Rihanna AKA Robyn Fenty
WOW, looks like even Rihanna has had some plastic surgery, not to mention must have her voice digitally corrected like all the others do. It's OK she is still the hottest that has blown up in a long, long time.
Justin Timberlake Inducted Madonna Into The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame
Justin Timberlake inducted Madonna into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The award was given in NYC, but the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is in Cleveland, Ohio.
Justin Timberlake,
Kelly Osbourne Performs On ITV
Kelly Osbourne performed "Total Eclipse of the Heart" on ITV's "Guilty Pleasures" this last Saturday. The show asks people to perform their favorite song. I think Kelly sounds pretty good. But she was probably lip synching like they all do.
Kelly Osbourne
Philippine Prision Dance
Do you remember a few months ago we had a video of a Prison in the Philippines? Well they are back and now they are performing the Soulja Boy dance followed by MC Hammer's "You Can't Touch This."
Misc. Non-Celeb News
Obama Makes Ladies Faint?
Have you heard about Obama and his "Rock Star" image? Well evidently he must think "fainting ladies" is part of his act. Obviously this is a PR move. Check out this video and see if you think this is a snake oil salesman or what!
Anna Nicole Smith Movie Trailer
This one is going to be a Jessica Simpson or J Lo type of movie. Straight to video! Watch the trailer for the movie starring Dancing With the Stars alum Willa Ford as Anna Nicole Smith and you will see what I mean.
Anna Nicole Smith
Angelina Jolie's New Movie "Wanted"
Well, as a "stay" at home Mom, Angelina Jolie does well filming these movies from her home. Isn't that what she told us after she bought Pax? She was going to be a stay at home Mom? I recall that statement being released after she sold his pictures for 4 million on the very next morning.
Angelina Jolie
Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban Sing Rihanna's Song
Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban are on tour as we speak and the two of them borrowed Rihanna's Umbrella song for a duet. I love's Carrie's voice but I think RiRi sings this song best.
Carrie Underwood,
Ellen Degeneres Launches New Natural Pet Food Line
Well Ellen is now branching out and is now the owner of Halo Pets.
She tells Parade magazine, “Ours (range) is all human grade. It’s all natural. And yes, you can eat it.”
“People love their animals so much so that they put little clothes on them and necklaces and booties and things like that. And if you love your animal, then you should feed them something that’s not dangerous for them. There’s a lot of poisonous stuff that they’re putting in a lot of that food, those by-products.”
You can check out her new store here :
Click Here For Halo Pets
She tells Parade magazine, “Ours (range) is all human grade. It’s all natural. And yes, you can eat it.”
“People love their animals so much so that they put little clothes on them and necklaces and booties and things like that. And if you love your animal, then you should feed them something that’s not dangerous for them. There’s a lot of poisonous stuff that they’re putting in a lot of that food, those by-products.”
You can check out her new store here :
Click Here For Halo Pets
Ellen Degeneres
Guess Who?
Can you take a guess who Jessica Alba is chatting with?

Rihanna was at the Fendi store opening in Paris a few nights ago and ran into pregnant Jessica Alba. RiRi is looking hot as usual.

Rihanna was at the Fendi store opening in Paris a few nights ago and ran into pregnant Jessica Alba. RiRi is looking hot as usual.
Jessica Alba,
Jack Nickolson & Hillary Clinton's Interview
This is from awhile back but I just found it and thought it was worth posting.
Jack Nickolson Does A Commercial For Hillary
Jack steps up to support Hillary in this creative commerical. You gotta love Jack!
JLo has spent 2 Million On The Babies Already
As you know, J Lo gave birth to Skeletors Spawn,Maximiano and Emelina. She reportedly spent 1.4 million in preparations to give birth.
It has been reported that she spent $700,000 to reserve a luxurious birthing suite
at Long Island's North Shore University Hospital. She reserved the $175,000 per week suite for 3 weeks in advance to have it sanitized and secured.
J Ho also spent $300,000 for private doctors and nurses, $300,000 on additional beefed up security and an additional $100,000 on personal assistants before
the birth.
And now that the twins have arrived, the paranoid Diva is in full swing. Is it reported that she has hired 6 additional security guards and 2 baby bouncers to protect the baby Skeletors. Cost for all this security? A mere $600,000.
In addition, closed-circuit cameras have been installed in virtually every room in
It is also reported that she makes people scrub up and wear surgical masks when they come near the twins. A life time's supply of surgical masks that are to be worn by those coming in contact with the newborns were delivered to the house.
Also, insiders are saying she has hand sanitizer placed around the house and at the entrance to the babies' nursery and elsewhere around the house. People coming close to the children have been instructed to use those lotions every time they enter the kids' rooms.
What a great way to make sure the kids never get to build up their own immune system.
JHo was paid 6 million for the pictures of the twins so even with the 2 million she has spent, she is still ahead by 4 million.
Having babies is really a money making event these days.
It has been reported that she spent $700,000 to reserve a luxurious birthing suite
at Long Island's North Shore University Hospital. She reserved the $175,000 per week suite for 3 weeks in advance to have it sanitized and secured.
J Ho also spent $300,000 for private doctors and nurses, $300,000 on additional beefed up security and an additional $100,000 on personal assistants before
the birth.
And now that the twins have arrived, the paranoid Diva is in full swing. Is it reported that she has hired 6 additional security guards and 2 baby bouncers to protect the baby Skeletors. Cost for all this security? A mere $600,000.
In addition, closed-circuit cameras have been installed in virtually every room in
It is also reported that she makes people scrub up and wear surgical masks when they come near the twins. A life time's supply of surgical masks that are to be worn by those coming in contact with the newborns were delivered to the house.
Also, insiders are saying she has hand sanitizer placed around the house and at the entrance to the babies' nursery and elsewhere around the house. People coming close to the children have been instructed to use those lotions every time they enter the kids' rooms.
What a great way to make sure the kids never get to build up their own immune system.
JHo was paid 6 million for the pictures of the twins so even with the 2 million she has spent, she is still ahead by 4 million.
Having babies is really a money making event these days.
Jennifer Lopez
Janet Jackson Tries To Teach Larry King How To Dance
Janet Jackson pays Larry King a visit and someone came up with the brilliant idea to get Janet to teach Larry how to bust a move. He probably is best just to sit behind his deck with his suspenders on.
Janet Jackson,
Larry King
Justin Timberlake & Mike Myers in "The Love Guru"
The Love Guru with Justin Timberlake, Mike Myers, Jessica Alba and Verne Troyer trailer is out. It looks a bit on the cheesy side but who knows, it might do well in the box offices just because of who is in it.
Justin Timberlake
Nicky Hilton Is Turning Into Tara Reid
Nicky Hilton was spotted stepping out and she is looking more and more like she is on the Tara Reid diet plan. I'm sure she would just say she has been working too much and forgets to eat. I wish I could forget to eat!
Nicky Hilton
Peta Alert! Demi Moore
Rumer, Demi and Ashton Kutcher attend De Grisogono’s Hollywood Dominos Benefiting The Art Of Elysium in Beverly Hills last night.
I wonder how many animals died for that mess. She and Sharon Stone and the Olsen sticks could trade their flesh wraps and then maybe not as many animals would die.

I wonder how many animals died for that mess. She and Sharon Stone and the Olsen sticks could trade their flesh wraps and then maybe not as many animals would die.
Demi Moore and Rumer
Britney Spears At It Again
Britney is like a vampire needing it's fix. She can't stay out of the Paparazzi's view. She loves it. As it has been reported, she calls and tells them where to meet her. So much for them passing the "Britney's Law". It will work with every one except Britney!
Britney Spears
American Idol's Danny Noriega Latest Performance
American Idol's Danny Noriega performed The Carpenters' "Superstar". Is he going to be this season's Sanjaya? I just know every little 13 yrs old all over is dreaming of becoming Mrs. Danny
American Idol
Nicole Richie
Nicole Richie and her baby Harlow Winter make their debut on the cover of People magazine.
She told People Magazine in an interview:"It's almost like I don't even remember what life was like before her. She gives life a whole new meaning and a whole new purpose." On breast feeding: "I eat really bland [food] – chicken noodle soup, vegetables, fish. I had to cut out milk, no tomatoes, no lettuce. You think you have to cut everything out when you're pregnant, but you really have to cut everything out when you're breastfeeding."
Now that is one beautiful little girl. Amazing how she is looking around like a little diva!Congrats on that precious little bundle!

She told People Magazine in an interview:"It's almost like I don't even remember what life was like before her. She gives life a whole new meaning and a whole new purpose." On breast feeding: "I eat really bland [food] – chicken noodle soup, vegetables, fish. I had to cut out milk, no tomatoes, no lettuce. You think you have to cut everything out when you're pregnant, but you really have to cut everything out when you're breastfeeding."
Now that is one beautiful little girl. Amazing how she is looking around like a little diva!Congrats on that precious little bundle!
Nicole Richie
Mariah Carey's Video Touch My Body
Here's Mimi's new video "Touch My Body". I think she is doing those Lipo Dissolve shots or they are doing some serious digital correction. She doesn't seem to have a bit of cellulite anymore.
She is looking hot these days.
She is looking hot these days.
Mariah Carey
Celebrity Digs Sunday~ Mariah Carey

Looks like MiMi just scored herself some new Bahama digs. She picked up this little beauty for a cool 4.9 million. It is located on Island Road on Windermere Island in the Bahamas and is a cozy 4,000 square feet. It features 4 bedrooms and 5 bath rooms for MiMi to freshen up in. This estate was previously available for lease at $24,000 per week during the high season.
Windermere is a narrow island located adjacent to Eleuthera and the only thing t hat connects the two islands is a narrow, guard gated bridge. This island has been a favorite of celebs for years who want privacy.
This is th very island that Prince Charles and Princess Diana honeymooned on.
Reportedly MiMi has been spending a lot of time in the Bahamas.
According to the sales info, this 3 acre, gated estate has 4 detached buildings that are all painted in a light pink to match the color of the pink beach it sits on. Perfect for MiMi. We know she loves pink.
The 4 building are connected by 3,500 square feet of marble walkways and terraces and include an open air great room with living and dining areas overlooking the jewel toned water and two fireplaces that will take the edge off a sea breezy evening. Behind the open air great room is the "kitchen house" with it's fully updated and upgraded package of appliances.Also located in the kitchen house are a large storage area, laundry facilities, and a bedroom and marble bathroom.
Next to the kitchen house are two cottages each with a large living room and attached bedroom and deluxe bathroom. Below the south cottage is a two care garage and below the north cottage is a separate apartment with kitchen, living area, bedroom and bathroom. Facing the Savannah Bay is a forty foot long infinity edged pool and a beach cabana offers shade for the sun weary.
Listing information also states that the estate is entirely protected by computer operated camera security surveillance system.
It is rumored that she is having some work done on the compound which likely includes some customizing of the buildings, possibly installing a recording studio.
She will probably hire Anna Nicole's decorator, Bobby Trendy to fill the house with pink feathers, ruffles and frill and Hello Kitty themed accessories.
Expect to see plently of candid "photo ops" of MiMi tip toeing through the water with her glass of Champaign and stiletos.
Celebrity Digs
Britney's Law
Well, in case you didn't hear about it, the LA commissioner is trying to get a new law passed called" Britney's Law" to help control the paparazzi.
It seems that the Chief of Police in LA William Bratton isn't happy with this at all. He said"What we need is Britney Spears to stay home instead of traipsing all over town. That would solve the problem. We don't need additional laws…. I've got laws coming out my ears to deal with this issue.
What you have is several young women in this town and several young men basically making fools of themselves and tying up not only my resources but the resources of the media that would do better covering legitimate stories instead of a bunch of airheads running around out there….
Quite clearly some of these characters so favored by the paparazzi are clearly in need of services. Not police services, but psychiatric services."
I don't know what good it will do when Britney is the one who calls the paparazzi. So does Angelina Jolie, Jessica Simpson, Lindsay Lohan and I am sure many others. They do it on purpose so they can get the coverage. Didn't you ever wonder how a paparazzi just happens to be in a desert in Africa to catch a picture of Brad and Angelina? Or How the paparazzi just happens to know Britney is going to be getting extentions put in at 2 in the AM and catches the shot?
Then you have Britney sleeping with them, having them drive her around, go to her home,etc. Maybe there needs to be a law to protect the paparazzi from her!

It seems that the Chief of Police in LA William Bratton isn't happy with this at all. He said"What we need is Britney Spears to stay home instead of traipsing all over town. That would solve the problem. We don't need additional laws…. I've got laws coming out my ears to deal with this issue.
What you have is several young women in this town and several young men basically making fools of themselves and tying up not only my resources but the resources of the media that would do better covering legitimate stories instead of a bunch of airheads running around out there….
Quite clearly some of these characters so favored by the paparazzi are clearly in need of services. Not police services, but psychiatric services."
I don't know what good it will do when Britney is the one who calls the paparazzi. So does Angelina Jolie, Jessica Simpson, Lindsay Lohan and I am sure many others. They do it on purpose so they can get the coverage. Didn't you ever wonder how a paparazzi just happens to be in a desert in Africa to catch a picture of Brad and Angelina? Or How the paparazzi just happens to know Britney is going to be getting extentions put in at 2 in the AM and catches the shot?
Then you have Britney sleeping with them, having them drive her around, go to her home,etc. Maybe there needs to be a law to protect the paparazzi from her!
Nicole Kidman Gets New Lips
We all know that Nicole Kidman loves plastic surgery and is the queen of Botox. Her Face hasn't moved in years but now that she is pregnant it sure hasn't stopped her from taking trips to the "enhancement shop". Looks like she is following in Angelina Jolie's foot steps and getting her lips injected. You can hardly tell. She looks oh so natural.

Nicole Kidman
Brit Award Performances
Here are a few performances from the Brit Awards
Leona Lewis Performs "Bleeding love"
Rihanna performs "Umbrella"
Amy Winehouse performs" Love is a losing game"
Amy Winehouse Performs with Mark Ronson
Partial list of the winners are:
-British live act: Take That. (Winner chosen by BBC Radio 2
-Critics' Choice Award: Adele.
-British breakthrough act: Mika. (Winner chosen by BBC Radio 1
-International male solo artist: Kanye West.
-British male solo artist: Mark Ronson.
-International female solo artist: Kylie Minogue.
-International group: Foo Fighters.
-British female solo artist: Kate Nash.
-International album: Foo Fighters, “Echoes, Silence, Patience &
-British group: Arctic Monkeys.
-British single: Take That, “Shine.” (Decided by live public
-British album: Arctic Monkeys, “Favourite Worst Nightmare.”
-Outstanding contribution to music: Paul McCartney
Leona Lewis Performs "Bleeding love"
Rihanna performs "Umbrella"
Amy Winehouse performs" Love is a losing game"
Amy Winehouse Performs with Mark Ronson
Partial list of the winners are:
-British live act: Take That. (Winner chosen by BBC Radio 2
-Critics' Choice Award: Adele.
-British breakthrough act: Mika. (Winner chosen by BBC Radio 1
-International male solo artist: Kanye West.
-British male solo artist: Mark Ronson.
-International female solo artist: Kylie Minogue.
-International group: Foo Fighters.
-British female solo artist: Kate Nash.
-International album: Foo Fighters, “Echoes, Silence, Patience &
-British group: Arctic Monkeys.
-British single: Take That, “Shine.” (Decided by live public
-British album: Arctic Monkeys, “Favourite Worst Nightmare.”
-Outstanding contribution to music: Paul McCartney
Amy Winehouse,
Kim Kardashian is Fake
Kim Kardashian and her fake booty rolled out for some staged photo ops. Is there actually anyone who thinks she is talented? I'm still not getting it.
Kim Kardashian
Christine Aguilera Vists Ellen Degeneres
Christine makes her first television appearance since the arrival of baby Max. Christine left nothing to the imagination with her choice of dress. This is what happens when you have implants and get pregnant and later give birth. 1 word, ridiculous!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Christina Aguilera,
Ellen Degeneres
Britney Shows Her Baby Shoot Again
Britney steps out to Kim Vo's salon to get a weave adjustment and once again displays her baby shoot. Daddy Spears has had a short leash on the little darling white trash monkey so you know she is just dying to get out and show the shoot. Well, looks like she got the chance.
Thanks Brintey. We forgot what it looked like from a couple weeks ago. Thanks for letting us revisit the the couch hooch.

Thanks Brintey. We forgot what it looked like from a couple weeks ago. Thanks for letting us revisit the the couch hooch.
Britney Spears
J Lo HUGE Pregnant Pictures
Whooooaza! What is is going on here? Did her makeup artist go on strike? Check out the brows and those lips! Someone got crazy with the liner. She's ready to explode and I think it would be in her best interest to just stay home and leave the make up alone.
It is being reported that her room at the hospital is ready and they are saying "No one's even allowed in there until she gets here. It's just sitting there for her." The hospital has also reportedly increased it's security and have already went through several "code pink" drills in case of a possible kidnapping per JLo's demands. Naturally JLo is having them do the drills because she thinks she is a big one has broke the news to her she is on the F list now.

It is being reported that her room at the hospital is ready and they are saying "No one's even allowed in there until she gets here. It's just sitting there for her." The hospital has also reportedly increased it's security and have already went through several "code pink" drills in case of a possible kidnapping per JLo's demands. Naturally JLo is having them do the drills because she thinks she is a big one has broke the news to her she is on the F list now.
Jennifer Lopez
Pink and Hubby Call It Quits
Pink and her hubby are calling it quits. Her pulicist released this statement:
"Pink and Carey Hart have separated. This decision was made by best friends with a huge amount of love and respect for one another," says Schweitzer, adding, "While the marriage is over, their friendship has never been stronger."
Ummm, all Publicists always say the same thing in their statements."They are best friends and love each other". Well if they are best friends and in love then why are they getting a divorce? I'm pretty sure Britney's Publicist said the same thing about her too.

"Pink and Carey Hart have separated. This decision was made by best friends with a huge amount of love and respect for one another," says Schweitzer, adding, "While the marriage is over, their friendship has never been stronger."
Ummm, all Publicists always say the same thing in their statements."They are best friends and love each other". Well if they are best friends and in love then why are they getting a divorce? I'm pretty sure Britney's Publicist said the same thing about her too.
Who Did Britney Cheat With?
Britney's down ward spiral didn't happen with Kevin, it started way before that. If you recall Kevin was no where in the picture when got drunk and married her high school friend.
That stunt was after the media reported that Justin and Cameron were supposedly getting engaged. What a coincidence, Britney gets married that same weekend.
I personally think this spiral started when Justin left her for cheating on him. Then once she started the spiral, she loved the attention she was getting and just continued these schemes to get more and more attention. But the start was not Kevin, the start was her cheating and Justin dumping her.
So who was the guy? Who did she really cheat with? Well, it was reported in Rolling Stone magazine that
it was Wade Robson. In Feb. 2002, "he discovered a note in Spears' room the same night the two pop stars were scheduled to appear on Saturday Night Live. Spears tried to make amends, but a shaken Timberlake refused to reconcile, and many assumed his biting "Cry Me a River" was written about their breakup."
So who is Wade Robson? Check him out here....
That stunt was after the media reported that Justin and Cameron were supposedly getting engaged. What a coincidence, Britney gets married that same weekend.
I personally think this spiral started when Justin left her for cheating on him. Then once she started the spiral, she loved the attention she was getting and just continued these schemes to get more and more attention. But the start was not Kevin, the start was her cheating and Justin dumping her.
So who was the guy? Who did she really cheat with? Well, it was reported in Rolling Stone magazine that
it was Wade Robson. In Feb. 2002, "he discovered a note in Spears' room the same night the two pop stars were scheduled to appear on Saturday Night Live. Spears tried to make amends, but a shaken Timberlake refused to reconcile, and many assumed his biting "Cry Me a River" was written about their breakup."
So who is Wade Robson? Check him out here....
Britney Spears
Britney's Boyfriend Adnan Gets Questioned By Cops
Talk about thinking he is all that. I guess is big time now and forgot his roots. Notice how he says to the paparazzi "I'm sure you guys have better ways to make money". Kevin was married to her and he never acted like this.
Britney Spears
Kanye West's Video "Flashing"
Ummm, it is just me or is this alittle on the violent side? Stabbing a man with the shovel I have a problem with. Right?
Kanye West
Paris's Brother Barron Arrested
Talk about all in the family! Paris Hilton's younger brother Barron was arrested for "suspicion of" DUI this AM in Malibu, California.
"We can confirm that Barron Hilton was arrested under the suspicion of driving under the influence at 8:04 a.m.," Los Angeles County Sheriff Spokesperson Steve Whitmore told in an interview.
Barron, 18, "will be released when it is safe to proceed, either by getting a ride or when he is able to drive himself," Whitmore said.
Whitmore went on toreport that Barron had a blood alcohol level of .14 which is twice the legal limit. (In California, .08 is considered legally intoxicated for drivers over 21.)
He was charged with a misdemeanor and bail has been set at $5,000.
Barron was driving and had a passenger in his black Mercedes on the PCH when he was pulled over this AM.
Paris had 2 DUI's so far and remains on probation after her trip to the slammer for driving with out a license when she was told not to drive since she had her 2nd DUI.
The former heiress, former drunk, former jail bird, former singer, former model, forner actress Paris says:
"I am sad for my little brother. I hear he is doing OK. I am there for him and will be speaking to him in an hour or so, hopefully, to lend my support."
Wonder what excuse they will have to say about this one?

"We can confirm that Barron Hilton was arrested under the suspicion of driving under the influence at 8:04 a.m.," Los Angeles County Sheriff Spokesperson Steve Whitmore told in an interview.
Barron, 18, "will be released when it is safe to proceed, either by getting a ride or when he is able to drive himself," Whitmore said.
Whitmore went on toreport that Barron had a blood alcohol level of .14 which is twice the legal limit. (In California, .08 is considered legally intoxicated for drivers over 21.)
He was charged with a misdemeanor and bail has been set at $5,000.
Barron was driving and had a passenger in his black Mercedes on the PCH when he was pulled over this AM.
Paris had 2 DUI's so far and remains on probation after her trip to the slammer for driving with out a license when she was told not to drive since she had her 2nd DUI.
The former heiress, former drunk, former jail bird, former singer, former model, forner actress Paris says:
"I am sad for my little brother. I hear he is doing OK. I am there for him and will be speaking to him in an hour or so, hopefully, to lend my support."
Wonder what excuse they will have to say about this one?
Paris Hilton
Amy Whinehouse's Grammy Performance
As I promised, here is Amy's performance. She is reportedly in rehab in England but from the looks of this video, she maybe needs a more help than what she is getting.
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse Wins At The Grammy's
In case you missed it, here is Amy speechless as she wins her Grammy award. As soon as her performance is posted, I will post it. If you missed it let me just say that if she doesn't get help soon, she won't be around much longer. You could tell when she was performing she is not all there. To me she looked like she was high when she performed. I'll try to post it soon.
Amy Winehouse
Tina Turner Performs At The Grammy's
Tina is such an icon. She is almost 70 and looks like she is 30! Rock on Tina!
Tina Turner
Britney Covered In Food & Droppings As Usual
Britney is looking hot as usual, covered in food and drippings. I was wondering if anyone noticed the wedding ring set she is wearing on her ring finger these days? Maybe American Britney is single and British Britney got married? Could it be? Who knows but that sure looks like a wedding ring to me.
Maybe she is just wearing that until Adnan gets divorced and she can wed that gold digging catch.

Maybe she is just wearing that until Adnan gets divorced and she can wed that gold digging catch.
Britney Spears
Britney Practices Her Dance Moves
Britney took 2 smoke breaks while rehearsing her dance moves at the studio. Looking gorgeous and stylish as usual, it makes one wonder why she didn't go into modeling.

Britney Spears
Amy Winehouse Is Getting Ready For The Grammy's
Now that Amy was reportedly given her USA Visa which would allow her to come for the Grammy's but she is performing via satellite.
Her publicist released this statement: "Unfortunately, due to the logistics involved and timing complications, Amy will not be traveling to the U.S. to perform at the Grammys in person.
Amy would like to thank all of those people, in particular the staff involved at the U.S. Embassy in London, who have all worked so hard to expedite her application. She is looking forward to being a part of the 50th Annual Grammy Awards with her Sunday night performance and to going back to the U.S. soon."
She even got her teeth fixed and is back to looking like the old Amy that we love so much. Keep at it Amy, we're behind you!

Her publicist released this statement: "Unfortunately, due to the logistics involved and timing complications, Amy will not be traveling to the U.S. to perform at the Grammys in person.
Amy would like to thank all of those people, in particular the staff involved at the U.S. Embassy in London, who have all worked so hard to expedite her application. She is looking forward to being a part of the 50th Annual Grammy Awards with her Sunday night performance and to going back to the U.S. soon."
She even got her teeth fixed and is back to looking like the old Amy that we love so much. Keep at it Amy, we're behind you!
Amy Winehouse
JLo To Give Birth On Valentines Day?
It is being reported that JLo's Scientifically insperminated twins are due on Valentines day. MSNBC's The Scoop reported that already had the February 14th date planned out. A source said, “She didn’t just like it because of the obvious correlation, which is sweet, but she also was happy that it ... would easily make the deadline for the weekly magazine covers.”
They went on to say that JLo is hoping to have a photo shoot with her twins in one of the three new nurseries. She reportedly paid $120,000 for each nursery. The nurseries are equipped with imported furniture from France and “some of it has 18 karat gold on the legs and knobs. The rooms will even have crystal chandeliers.”
Yep, she's just "Jenny from the block"! Can you imagine what she is getting paid to showcase the spawn of Skeletor?
She is still not saying she scheduled a C Section but you know this Diva will miraculously just happen to give birth on Valentines day and she will be back to her before baby weight day after. C section deliveries is the way the celebs are doing it today. They can schedule it, lay there getting a facial while the Dr's take the baby out and then have their team of nurses and nannies take over while they get their lipo and tummy tucks done.
Then they sell their stories for millions and appear 2 weeks after wearing skinny jeans, belly shirts and swear they had the best trainer and worked really hard. Welcome to Hollywood!

They went on to say that JLo is hoping to have a photo shoot with her twins in one of the three new nurseries. She reportedly paid $120,000 for each nursery. The nurseries are equipped with imported furniture from France and “some of it has 18 karat gold on the legs and knobs. The rooms will even have crystal chandeliers.”
Yep, she's just "Jenny from the block"! Can you imagine what she is getting paid to showcase the spawn of Skeletor?
She is still not saying she scheduled a C Section but you know this Diva will miraculously just happen to give birth on Valentines day and she will be back to her before baby weight day after. C section deliveries is the way the celebs are doing it today. They can schedule it, lay there getting a facial while the Dr's take the baby out and then have their team of nurses and nannies take over while they get their lipo and tummy tucks done.
Then they sell their stories for millions and appear 2 weeks after wearing skinny jeans, belly shirts and swear they had the best trainer and worked really hard. Welcome to Hollywood!
Jennifer Lopez
Whoopi Goldberg Changes To Support Hillary
Whoopi announced on the view that she is changing teams. She left Obama's camp and has joined the Clinton team.
Cher Is Back!
Cher is back from her 2005 retirement!I knew she wouldn't stay retired long!
She is taking over where Celine Dion left off. She signed a deal with Ceasars Palace to the tune of 60 million dollars and will have her first show on May 6th. She will perform 4-shows a week on-and-off until October. It might extend depending on sales. I'm thinking she will do better than Celine, there is no comparison. Cher wins hands down.
Cher promises a "visual orgasm" and said they are doing things that have never been done before. She told USA Today, "Getting the whole thing in book form, in pictures, has taken months. Our set moves down from the ceiling, in from the sides, up from the floor. We have screens in the foreground, the center and the back. We can change a city into a forest in two seconds. You'll see a different stage for every song."
Click here to watch Cher's interview
Click here to buy tickets
Janet Jackson Interview
Janet is looking as good as ever as she talks about her family secrets to Parade magazine. Janet is really a true icon. She is beautiful, successful and hasn't has to be nasty like these pop stars today. She got where she is from talent and not by showing her baby shoot to the paparazzi. Maybe Janet needs to call Britney and give her a few lessons in class.Nah, never mind,some things are just not worth it.
Click Here to read Janet's Interview
This is proof this girl has always been beautiful and not plastic surgeons created beauty like Angelina Jolie with her fake nose, fake lips, fake cheek implants and redesigned eyes as well as plastic funbags.
Click Here To See Janet Through the years
Janet Jackson
Rihanna Is Selling Umbrella's~ Love It!
Attention please! Britney, this is what class looks like, OK?
Rihanna was at Macy's in NYC today unveiling her new umbrella collection. From what I hear they are going to be $20 for a solid color and $50 for the 2 color. No matter what she charges I am sure they will sell and I think that 2 color one in insane. I love it! It's worth $50.
This little darling could sell the hell out of anything. How can she go wrong with Jay Z and Beyonce on her team! You go girl!
Britney Spears Is Released From Psych Ward
Get ready world, she's out! It is being reported that Britney was released today after being held for 4 days.
"It occurred without any law enforcement intervention, and for the public that's a good thing," said Capt. Sharyn Buck, commander of the North Hollywood police station, which cover the area where she lives.
Funny there were no paprazzi there. It's probably because she wasn't able to phone ahead to tip off the paparazzi. I'm sure it will be back to buiness as usual but I wonder what she will do now since her Mom is now saying her behavior was from Sam drugging her. OK, then if Sam is not near her then she should be normal, right?
Her father and lawyers still have control over her estate but it will be interesting to see how long it is before that slimy Adnan is crawling out of her cars again.
Stay tuned! I can smell the Frapps & stale cigarettes already!
"It occurred without any law enforcement intervention, and for the public that's a good thing," said Capt. Sharyn Buck, commander of the North Hollywood police station, which cover the area where she lives.
Funny there were no paprazzi there. It's probably because she wasn't able to phone ahead to tip off the paparazzi. I'm sure it will be back to buiness as usual but I wonder what she will do now since her Mom is now saying her behavior was from Sam drugging her. OK, then if Sam is not near her then she should be normal, right?
Her father and lawyers still have control over her estate but it will be interesting to see how long it is before that slimy Adnan is crawling out of her cars again.
Stay tuned! I can smell the Frapps & stale cigarettes already!
Britney Spears
Paris Shows Us How To Eat Pizza
Ummm, I don't know about you, but I have never in my life eaten pizza like that. Maybe her mouth is so used to that position that it just goes like that and then she automatically sucks her pizza.

Paris Hilton
Heath Ledger's Family Releases Statement
Heath's family issued this statement:
We remain humble as parents and a family, among millions of people worldwide who may have suffered the tragic loss of a child. Few can understand the hollow, wrenching, and enduring agony parents silently suffer when a child predeceases them. Today's results put an end to speculation, but our son's beautiful spirit and enduring memory will forever remain in our hearts.
While no medications were taken in excess, we learned today the combination of doctor-prescribed drugs proved lethal for our boy. Heath's accidental death serves as a caution to the hidden dangers of combining prescription medication, even at low dosage.
Our family enjoyed an extremely happy two week visit with Heath just prior to the New Year. Those recent precious days will stay with us forever. We as a family feel privileged to have some of his amazing magic moments captured in film. To most of the world Heath was an actor of immeasurable talent and promise. To those who knew him personally, Heath was a consummate artist whose passions also included photography, music, chess and directing. We knew Heath as a loving father, as our devoted son, and as a loyal and generous brother and friend.
We treasure our beautiful granddaughter Matilda (to our dear Michelle) as well as an unbelievably wonderful network of close friends, forever, around the world. Families rarely experience the uplifting, warm and massive outpouring of grief and support as have we, from every corner of the planet. This has deeply and profoundly touched our hearts and lives. We are eternally grateful.
At this moment we respectfully request the worldwide media allow us time to grieve privately, without the intrusions associated with press and photography.
We remain humble as parents and a family, among millions of people worldwide who may have suffered the tragic loss of a child. Few can understand the hollow, wrenching, and enduring agony parents silently suffer when a child predeceases them. Today's results put an end to speculation, but our son's beautiful spirit and enduring memory will forever remain in our hearts.
While no medications were taken in excess, we learned today the combination of doctor-prescribed drugs proved lethal for our boy. Heath's accidental death serves as a caution to the hidden dangers of combining prescription medication, even at low dosage.
Our family enjoyed an extremely happy two week visit with Heath just prior to the New Year. Those recent precious days will stay with us forever. We as a family feel privileged to have some of his amazing magic moments captured in film. To most of the world Heath was an actor of immeasurable talent and promise. To those who knew him personally, Heath was a consummate artist whose passions also included photography, music, chess and directing. We knew Heath as a loving father, as our devoted son, and as a loyal and generous brother and friend.
We treasure our beautiful granddaughter Matilda (to our dear Michelle) as well as an unbelievably wonderful network of close friends, forever, around the world. Families rarely experience the uplifting, warm and massive outpouring of grief and support as have we, from every corner of the planet. This has deeply and profoundly touched our hearts and lives. We are eternally grateful.
At this moment we respectfully request the worldwide media allow us time to grieve privately, without the intrusions associated with press and photography.
heath Ledger
Heath Ledger Autopsy Results~ Accidental Over Dose
HEATH LEDGER'S AUTOPSY RESULTS: Accidental Over Dose from 6 medications.
It is being reported from the New York Chief Medical Examiner's Office the cause of Heath Ledger's death.
Heath died from accidental over dose of prescription drugs that included painkillers, sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medication.
"Mr. Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine," medical examiner's spokeswoman Ellen Borakove said in a news release.
The drugs are the generic names for the OxyContin painkiller, the anti-anxiety drug Valium, Xanax, an anti-anxiety drug, and the sleep aids Restoril and Unisom. Hydrocodone is habit forming. It is possible become physically and/or psychologically dependent on the medication.
It is being reported from the New York Chief Medical Examiner's Office the cause of Heath Ledger's death.
Heath died from accidental over dose of prescription drugs that included painkillers, sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medication.
"Mr. Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine," medical examiner's spokeswoman Ellen Borakove said in a news release.
The drugs are the generic names for the OxyContin painkiller, the anti-anxiety drug Valium, Xanax, an anti-anxiety drug, and the sleep aids Restoril and Unisom. Hydrocodone is habit forming. It is possible become physically and/or psychologically dependent on the medication.
heath Ledger
Why Is Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Getting Left Out?
Here in the US we have the right to vote and will be voting soon. Some of us will be voting as soon as today. But I have been noticing that 1 candidate that they and I mean ALL the news channels,etc. are ignoring him and don't even mention his name. I'm talking about Ron Paul! Even at the last debate with Anderson Cooper, Ron Paul was cut off by Anderson and got to speak for only 47 seconds out of 1.5 hrs. Why is that?
This man wants to do away with the IRS, bring the troops home, he was against the war from day 1 and spoke out against it before we went to war, he wants to end FCC, he takes no money from lobbyists,etc. and notice how even now when they talk about candidates, they leave him out. Doesn't that make you want to see WHY they are ignoring him?
It was because I noticed they were leaving him out that I took a look at him.
Even Howard Stern and Jay Leno are questioning why the media is ignoring him and not giving him a chance to talk.
They are guiding us like sheep towards the candidates that they want us to vote for.
Check out some of these videos and you will see what I mean.
Hillary's Staff Cover Ron Paul's Sign
Howard Stern Talks About Ron Paul
Jay Leno Has Ron Paul On His Show
This man wants to do away with the IRS, bring the troops home, he was against the war from day 1 and spoke out against it before we went to war, he wants to end FCC, he takes no money from lobbyists,etc. and notice how even now when they talk about candidates, they leave him out. Doesn't that make you want to see WHY they are ignoring him?
It was because I noticed they were leaving him out that I took a look at him.
Even Howard Stern and Jay Leno are questioning why the media is ignoring him and not giving him a chance to talk.
They are guiding us like sheep towards the candidates that they want us to vote for.
Check out some of these videos and you will see what I mean.
Hillary's Staff Cover Ron Paul's Sign
Howard Stern Talks About Ron Paul
Jay Leno Has Ron Paul On His Show
Paula Abdul's Video " Dance Like There's No Tomorrow"
This is Paula's music video for "Dance like theres no tomorrow" which is diffferent than the Super Bowl version. You got to hand it to her, she's still got it and even if you don't like Paula, you have to admit she looks awesome.
Sure she lip sync's her litte heart out, but who doesn't today?
Sure she lip sync's her litte heart out, but who doesn't today?
American Idol,
Paula Abdul
Sarah Silverman & Matt Damon Video
Way too funny! This is awesome! Jimmy and Matt have been long time buddy's and have a standing joke about the time Matt was on Jimmy's show to promote a movie and as a joke Jimmy cut off Matt Damon. So the joke continues on. This time Sarah and Matt got the last laugh.
Britney Spears Vintage Super Bowl Commercial
2002 there was a much different Britney in the world. Sure she was still lip syncing her way through the computer generated songs, but at least she wasn't covered in Frapp juice and Cheeto dust and didn't have a fake Britsh accent.
Britney Spears
Brad Isn't Aging Really Well
Well Brad had only been with the donkey lipped one for a little over 2 yrs and yet it looks like he has aged 20 yrs. It was also reported that Angelina Jolie said she wants him to let his hair go gray because she likes it on him.
Sure she wants to make sure he looks as nasty as he can so that Jennifer wouldn't want him back. We know she is still paranoid about that. I wonder if she will go natural too and stop with the lip injections, tummy tuck after her pregnacy and let her hair go gray. I'm thinking the rule doesn't apply to her.
Good move there Brad. You look really well rested and happy.

Sure she wants to make sure he looks as nasty as he can so that Jennifer wouldn't want him back. We know she is still paranoid about that. I wonder if she will go natural too and stop with the lip injections, tummy tuck after her pregnacy and let her hair go gray. I'm thinking the rule doesn't apply to her.
Good move there Brad. You look really well rested and happy.
Playboy's Girls Next Door Get March Cover
The Girls Next Door, Holly Madison, Kendra Wilkinson and Bridget Marquardt will all be on the cover Playboy magazine March issue.
"It kinda happened by accident,” Hefner told The Associated Press in an interview. “It was not the original plan. I knew we were overdue for a cover featuring the girls. For our annual sexiest celebrities list, we always get votes from readers on the Internet of who should be on the top of the list. Lo and behold, as the votes were coming in, we found the girls moving up higher and higher on the list.”
“To be perfectly frank, I have unexpectedly fallen in love,” Hefner said of his ongoing relationship with the three women. “It is the relationship with Holly that will probably last forever. The others will last for as long as they want it to last before going on with their careers and lives.”
“Yes, there was some favoritism involved,” Hefner joked. “I know them personally.”
The #1 celebrity voters wanted to see in the magazine is Angelina Jolie with her big swollen lips.(both ends)Imagine that mess naked.
"It kinda happened by accident,” Hefner told The Associated Press in an interview. “It was not the original plan. I knew we were overdue for a cover featuring the girls. For our annual sexiest celebrities list, we always get votes from readers on the Internet of who should be on the top of the list. Lo and behold, as the votes were coming in, we found the girls moving up higher and higher on the list.”
“To be perfectly frank, I have unexpectedly fallen in love,” Hefner said of his ongoing relationship with the three women. “It is the relationship with Holly that will probably last forever. The others will last for as long as they want it to last before going on with their careers and lives.”
“Yes, there was some favoritism involved,” Hefner joked. “I know them personally.”
The #1 celebrity voters wanted to see in the magazine is Angelina Jolie with her big swollen lips.(both ends)Imagine that mess naked.
Paris Drops The N Bomb
Paris, being the racist pig that she is drops the N word in this video. Can someone remind me WHY this girl is still famous?
Paris, being the racist pig that she is drops the N word in this video. Can someone remind me WHY this girl is still famous?
Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton On The David Letterman Show Looking Like Big Bird
If you recall the last time Paris was on the show to sell some crap of her, David talked about her jail food and she didn't like it. Now she is promoting her new movie, her amazon shoes, clothing, perfume,etc. and he was more more gentle on the fragile big bird. She even looks like big bird this time dressed all in yellow.
Paris Hilton
Justin Timberlake's Super Bowl Commercial
Look for Justin's Superbowl commercial on Sunday, or you can watch it here, now!
Justin Timberlake
Britney In Mental Hospital Again
I have one question with all this Britney non-sense, who is footing the bill for all her escorts?
They act like she is the president. Does she really need a couple dozen cops, helicopters, etc. to take her by ambulance to the hospital? At what point do they just stop this game and lock her up?
I bet in 2 days she will be out roaming the streets at 2 am again with frapp juice in her doll hair and cheetos dust stains on her chewed and stubby little fingers.
They act like she is the president. Does she really need a couple dozen cops, helicopters, etc. to take her by ambulance to the hospital? At what point do they just stop this game and lock her up?
I bet in 2 days she will be out roaming the streets at 2 am again with frapp juice in her doll hair and cheetos dust stains on her chewed and stubby little fingers.
Britney Spears
Angelina Can Donate To Make It Right! Perfect!
As usual Brad Attached his name to the "Make It right" program which is actually part of the Clinton Global Initiative but it gets Brad more press. He pledged to give 5 million dollars. He loves to "pledge" to give. While he is "pledging" to give, others actually GAVE. Steve Bling actually donated 5 million as did several others. Now Ellen Degeneres has jumped on the band wagon and has raised millions.
The architects were each asked to design a 1,200-square-foot house for about $150,000, with Make It Right to help with the financing. The houses had to be built five to eight feet off the ground, with a front porch and three bedrooms.
They each will have concrete foundation anchored pylons which would act like buoy's in a flood. But the people don't want to live in houses on stilts.
4.25 billion dollars were already donated to the Katrina victims which is just amazing. Wonder where all that money went? But now another 22 million is needed to build the 150 proposed homes.
So I am thinking that this since 10 million was donated up front, and Brad "Pledged" to donate 5 million. (yeah right) and Ellen had gotten millions already donated, then when Angelina collects money from her pregnancy story she can donate it to the charity.
Then when she sells pictures of the babies when they are born, that should push them over the top for funds. Remember when Shiloh was born she scored 14 million for the pictures of her which she claimed she donated.
So this will be a perfect opportunity for Brad and Angelina to do what they CLAIM they do. Sell the stories and the pictures to fund HIS charity.
I mean he told us to sponsor a hot water tank instead of giving a sweater for the holidays so surely he will donate this money to his own cause.
The people of New Orleans will be thrilled to know that soon Brad will buy them a house!
The architects were each asked to design a 1,200-square-foot house for about $150,000, with Make It Right to help with the financing. The houses had to be built five to eight feet off the ground, with a front porch and three bedrooms.
They each will have concrete foundation anchored pylons which would act like buoy's in a flood. But the people don't want to live in houses on stilts.
4.25 billion dollars were already donated to the Katrina victims which is just amazing. Wonder where all that money went? But now another 22 million is needed to build the 150 proposed homes.
So I am thinking that this since 10 million was donated up front, and Brad "Pledged" to donate 5 million. (yeah right) and Ellen had gotten millions already donated, then when Angelina collects money from her pregnancy story she can donate it to the charity.
Then when she sells pictures of the babies when they are born, that should push them over the top for funds. Remember when Shiloh was born she scored 14 million for the pictures of her which she claimed she donated.
So this will be a perfect opportunity for Brad and Angelina to do what they CLAIM they do. Sell the stories and the pictures to fund HIS charity.
I mean he told us to sponsor a hot water tank instead of giving a sweater for the holidays so surely he will donate this money to his own cause.
The people of New Orleans will be thrilled to know that soon Brad will buy them a house!
Angelina Jolie,
Brad Pitt
Oppps She Did It Again! Britney Is Hospitalized
Oppps she did it again. Britney was taken to the hospital after her Psychiatrist had determined that she was a danger to herself and others.
At around 1 a.m., several dozen cops and an ambulance arrived at Britney's home. This time there was no stand off, in less than 20 minutes, she was once again straped to a gurney and being transported to UCLA Medical Center.
Her mother was seen riding with Adnan of all people. What the heck is she thinking?
Her Dad, Sister, Brother and infamous Cousin, Alli as well as Sam were all seen enterting UCLA Medical center.
Britney's Momm,Siter and Father were all yelling at Sam and saying he was trying to control Britney.
Ummm, Hello! Someone needs to control her! It looks like Sam is the only one with a good head on his shoulders. No wonder K Fed didn't beg her to take him back!
Click Here To See Video
At around 1 a.m., several dozen cops and an ambulance arrived at Britney's home. This time there was no stand off, in less than 20 minutes, she was once again straped to a gurney and being transported to UCLA Medical Center.
Her mother was seen riding with Adnan of all people. What the heck is she thinking?
Her Dad, Sister, Brother and infamous Cousin, Alli as well as Sam were all seen enterting UCLA Medical center.
Britney's Momm,Siter and Father were all yelling at Sam and saying he was trying to control Britney.
Ummm, Hello! Someone needs to control her! It looks like Sam is the only one with a good head on his shoulders. No wonder K Fed didn't beg her to take him back!
Click Here To See Video
Britney Spears
Pregnant Angelina Starting To Pimp Her Fetuses Already
When Angelina Jolie gave birth to Shiloh she earned 14 million selling pictures of Shiloh. When She adopted Pax, the poor kid hadn't even spent one night in peace before she had scored a cool 4 million to let the photographers sneak in the bedroom and take pictures of the new child while he slept. She sold pictures of her and Maddox staring over a rice paddy, she sold pictures of her and all the kids looking at a map in a field. She tried to sell pictures of Maddox's 6 yr birthday war party but a photog snapped the pics and sold them early so it blew her plans.
Now here we are again. She is scientifically insperminated with twins and she is going to sell her story and "donate the money". Do you really believe this woman donates this money she collects? If that were true you would hear of these huge sums. All we ever hear is Brad "pledged" 5 million. Well "pledge" and "donate" are two different things.
So she will get millions to tell her lies of how she naturally conceived twins and how she is a hands on Mom. Then when she pops she will be selling more pictures and once again claim she is donating. I would love to see where all this money she supposedly donates goes to.
Between selling her story of the pregnancy and then the pictures of the kids after, that should be enough for all the money Brad is trying to get for New Orleans houses.
Now here we are again. She is scientifically insperminated with twins and she is going to sell her story and "donate the money". Do you really believe this woman donates this money she collects? If that were true you would hear of these huge sums. All we ever hear is Brad "pledged" 5 million. Well "pledge" and "donate" are two different things.
So she will get millions to tell her lies of how she naturally conceived twins and how she is a hands on Mom. Then when she pops she will be selling more pictures and once again claim she is donating. I would love to see where all this money she supposedly donates goes to.
Between selling her story of the pregnancy and then the pictures of the kids after, that should be enough for all the money Brad is trying to get for New Orleans houses.
Angelina Jolie
British Britney Gets A New Benz
Is anyone in her family monitoring this girl? So Britney gets another Mercedes SLK 350 yesterday.
On her way home she gets instructions from a paparazzi how to get to her home quicker through a mountain route.
She then stops the car for her photo op, claims she is scared and dizzy. She then has one of them turn the car around but that is not enough, she insists that one of them drives with her to her home since she is scared.
She chews on her nails as she once again morphs into British Britney.
On her way home she gets instructions from a paparazzi how to get to her home quicker through a mountain route.
She then stops the car for her photo op, claims she is scared and dizzy. She then has one of them turn the car around but that is not enough, she insists that one of them drives with her to her home since she is scared.
She chews on her nails as she once again morphs into British Britney.
Britney Spears
Motel Williams Lashes Out About Heath Ledger's Coverage
Montel Williams was asked to be on a morning news program to talk about Heath Ledger and the paparazzi coverage and he caught them all off guard. He lashed out about the coverage and said we should be reporting on war causalities instead.
heath Ledger,
Montel Williams
Paula Abdul's Video "Dance Like There Is No Tomorrow"
American Idol's Paula Abdul has slipped a sneak peek of her new video.
Check it!
Check it!
American Idol,
Paula Abdul
Angelina Jolie Says" Are The Cameras On Us?"
I think there is something about the red carpet and and cameras that gets Angelina ready for action. Last night she put on her best performance by offering a lingering kiss with Brad. Making sure the camera is on her.

But let's not forget her open mouth kiss with her brother.
Incest Is Best For Angelina

But who can forget her performance at the Oscars Red Carpet with Billy Bob Thorton when she let the world know they just " F'ed in the limo on the way over" and proceeded to fondle him and grind on him once again in front of the cameras.
Check out this video of Angelina on the red carpet. Also, check out her bloated face and brows. She has obviously had a lot of work done since this video.
But let's not forget her open mouth kiss with her brother.
Incest Is Best For Angelina
But who can forget her performance at the Oscars Red Carpet with Billy Bob Thorton when she let the world know they just " F'ed in the limo on the way over" and proceeded to fondle him and grind on him once again in front of the cameras.
Check out this video of Angelina on the red carpet. Also, check out her bloated face and brows. She has obviously had a lot of work done since this video.
Angelina Jolie
JLo Reports She Is Not In Labor
Rumors were flying around that JHo was in labor today. She probably started it herself to get people to talk about her. We all know

Jennifer Lopez
Lisa Rinna Is Such A Natural Beauty
Lisa Rinna is such a natural beauty. She was spotted at the SAG awards looking like Angelina Jolie with short hair.
Lisa Rinna,
Plastic Lips
More Britney Lies ~ Her Manager Calls The View
Well it seems that Britney's up to another PR move. I mean last night she was at a dance studio flashing her fun bags for the cameras and today Sam, her manager is calling into the view to say she saw a shrink and she is now sleeping. Let's not put too much trust in this story.She is not in rehab, she just supposedly saw a shrink. He's probably talking about when she was in the hospital! This is just another way for her to get more attention.
Britney Spears
Batman Director Remembers Heath Ledger
Chris Nolan, director of The Dark Knight Batman movie pays tribute to Heath.
"One night, as I’m standing on LaSalle Street in Chicago, trying to line up a shot for “The Dark Knight,” a production assistant skateboards into my line of sight. Silently, I curse the moment that Heath first skated onto our set in full character makeup. I’d fretted about the reaction of Batman fans to a skateboarding Joker, but the actual result was a proliferation of skateboards among the younger crew members. If you’d asked those kids why they had chosen to bring their boards to work, they would have answered honestly that they didn’t know. That’s real charisma—as invisible and natural as gravity. That’s what Heath had.
Heath was bursting with creativity. It was in his every gesture. He once told me that he liked to wait between jobs until he was creatively hungry. Until he needed it again. He brought that attitude to our set every day. There aren’t many actors who can make you feel ashamed of how often you complain about doing the best job in the world. Heath was one of them.
One time he and another actor were shooting a complex scene. We had two days to shoot it, and at the end of the first day, they’d really found something and Heath was worried that he might not have it if we stopped. He wanted to carry on and finish. It’s tough to ask the crew to work late when we all know there’s plenty of time to finish the next day. But everyone seemed to understand that Heath had something special and that we had to capture it before it disappeared. Months later, I learned that as Heath left the set that night, he quietly thanked each crew member for working late. Quietly. Not trying to make a point, just grateful for the chance to create that they’d given him.
Those nights on the streets of Chicago were filled with stunts. These can be boring times for an actor, but Heath was fascinated, eagerly accepting our invitation to ride in the camera car as we chased vehicles through movie traffic—not just for the thrill ride, but to be a part of it. Of everything. He’d brought his laptop along in the car, and we had a high-speed screening of two of his works-in-progress: short films he’d made that were exciting and haunting. Their exuberance made me feel jaded and leaden. I’ve never felt as old as I did watching Heath explore his talents. That night I made him an offer—knowing he wouldn’t take me up on it—that he should feel free to come by the set when he had a night off so he could see what we were up to.
When you get into the edit suite after shooting a movie, you feel a responsibility to an actor who has trusted you, and Heath gave us everything. As we started my cut, I would wonder about each take we chose, each trim we made. I would visualize the screening where we’d have to show him the finished film—sitting three or four rows behind him, watching the movements of his head for clues to what he was thinking about what we’d done with all that he’d given us. Now that screening will never be real. I see him every day in my edit suite. I study his face, his voice. And I miss him terribly.
Back on LaSalle Street, I turn to my assistant director and I tell him to clear the skateboarding kid out of my line of sight when I realize—it’s Heath, woolly hat pulled low over his eyes, here on his night off to take me up on my offer. I can’t help but smile."
RIP Heath, You are greatly missed.
Britney Is Practicing Her Janet Jackson Moves
Britney goes in to practice her dance moves. You know she knows the cameras are on her as she does her Janet Jackson move and exposes her funbag for the camera.
Angelina & Her Lips Show Up At The SAG
Angelina showed up with her tattoos all showing as usual and her implants billowing out of her dress. Now if she isn't scientifically insperminated with twins, then she is just wearing this tent to get us all thinking she is pregnant. I think she is and I will bet will be a boy and a girl. Then suddenly she will go from her whacked out, freaky names to naming the boy after Brad just to get her final dig into Jennifer.

Angelina Jolie
Peta Alert ~ Kanye West
Kanye West gets the Peta Alert Award for his fashion faux pas on the set of " An American Boy".
I think Peta must be just out spending all their donation money because they sure aren't spending it sending people to boycott these celebs movies.
I think Peta must be just out spending all their donation money because they sure aren't spending it sending people to boycott these celebs movies.
Kanye West,
Peta Alert
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