It is being reported that Govenor Spitzer's hooker's name is "Kristen" but her real name is Ashley Alexandra Dupre. Before that she was Ashley Youmans. She is a mere high school drop out from New Jersey.
The Associated Press contacted the Hooker's family in New Jersey and spoke with her brother Kyle.
He told them "I've talked to my sister every five minutes since this happened, and I'm not going to comment on it," he said. "She's just trying to get through this."
If you take a look at her myspace page you can look into the life of a hooker. She of course claims she is a "aspiring musician". I'm willing to bet every hooker out there claims she is a college student, or an aspiring actress or aspiring musician,etc. How about just admitting you are a loser and have no way to make money other than by selling your nasty clam?
Click Here To See Govenor Spitzer's Hooker
She writes "I have been alone. I have abused drugs. I have been broke and homeless. But, I survived, on my own. I am here, in NY because of my music."
Yes, the homeless line. That one works everytime.
On Aug. 30 she wrote on MySpace, "The past few months have been a roller coaster with so called friends, lovers, and family ... but its something you have to deal with and confront in order to move on ..."
"What destroys me strengthens me" is one of the quotes she has by her picture. If it sounds familiar it should. That is the line that Angelina Jolie has tattoo'd with the big cross across her belly.
In an interview with the New York Times she said:
"I just don't want to be thought of as a monster. This has been a very difficult time. It's complicated."
The hooker told the times that "her boyfriend left her and she doesn't know how she is going to pay the rent". Her rent is $11,000.00 a month. So to go from homeless to that, she's getting some big tips from somewhere!
Ummm, I have an idea that she will pay the rent just fine. I bet Hefner is scrambling to get in touch with her to hire her for Playboy.
Spitzer, his family and his wife,career is destroyed and the hooker will now be famous and rich. I'm not saying it's her fault but as in everything, it takes two to tango and if he is getting in trouble legally, I do think she should too.
It is reported that the hooker appeared in federal court Monday as a witness in the case the prostitution ring.
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