because of the bond he shares with the black community. He also said that now because of theuproar it has caused, “I now learned I’m not black at all.” Then later during a TV appearance he reportedly said "I thought that I was cool enough in the black world to be able to use that word as a brother to a brother. I’m not. I didn’t really know until three or four days ago what that meant to black people. There’s a special connection that I thought I had between me and black America. And I used to say, ‘I’m black, too."
“In other words, my whole life I’ve been called a half-breed, a convict, king of the trailer trash, this and that…so when I stood there and said, ‘I kind of know what you feel like, because I’ve been there, too,’ that I felt that I could embrace and like, as brothers…say the word. I now learned I’m not black at all, and I never did it out of hate. This sounds so stupid. I always did it out of love. Other white guys would be like, ‘Boy, who does Dog think he is? Dog can say that.’ And black guys would be with me and walk with me and respect me. So, I went too far with that.”
He blew it and now his career is over. He needs to just shut up because he is sounding more and more stupid as he tries to get himself out of this mess.
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