I am willing to bet when she got behind closed doors she told the Dr. to get her a donor sperm. She probably didn't want to risk using the Skeletor sperm. Can you imagine what those kids would look like? I mean keep in mind, Jlo is no stranger to the plastic surgeon's knife and she was no hottie then mix up those genes with Skeletor and you have a deadly combination of fug.
The 38 yr old lip syncing diva is sure not shy when it comes to asking people for expensive gifts.
She has registered her her top-secret gift registry at Petit Tresor, the exclusive L.A. baby boutique.
Here are some selections available from Petit Tresor that you could pick up for the talentless one:
There's the $349 cashmere outfit, one in pink stripes, one in blue, from Baby CZ.
Moses baskets for $225
Super Soft Teddy Bears for $65
Balmoral enameled black carriage $3,495.
Suede play mat $289
Jogging Stroller $560
Peg Perego strollers $429
Let's see, Nicole Ritchie donates all her shower gifts to the less fortunate and then donates 100 nursery set ups for her foundation for the poor mothers of LA. Then you have Jlo, the richest woman in Hollywood under 40 asking for pricey gifts. Well, she's just Jenny from the block you know. Down to earth and very natural.
What do you want to bet that behind closed doors she will have the babies cribs 24 kt and covered in Chinchilla fur? She woudln't dare let them be seen in fur. She can only tell Peta so many times that "she didn't know". I think by now she has to know.
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