Peta has finally gone after the Olsens Twins. They have dedicated an entire website and My Space to them and their fur wearing antics. Not only do they wear fur constantly but they also have included fur in their fashion line. They have named them "The Trollsens" and re-named each of them Hairy Kate and Trashley Trollsen.
Peta said, "No one would argue that Mary-Kate and Ashley could use some meat on their bones, but the last thing they need is hair on their backs."
The MySpace reads: " Hi, we're Hairy Kate and Trashley Trollsen, and like most trolls, we live under a bridge and wait for furry animals to walk by so we can skin them and wear them as hats. Because we're celebrities, we don't have to live by the same rules that ugly people like you do, and if we want to wrap ourselves up in someone else's skin, or drape our bodies in the rotting remains of someone's family, we totally can! And boy, do we ever."
I am still wondering how long before Peta goes after Sharon "has been" Stone?
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