Well the Parasite was spotted yesterday in a bar. She must have been there to speak to people about drinking and driving now that she is changed. Now today she is at the beach in Hawaii probably helping the homeless that live on the beach. Maybe she is passing out Bibles.
Here we have none other than Britney Spears looking quite interesting. It never ceases to amaze me that people who look like this can actually be turned into something glamorious with alittle make-up, false eyelashes, fake hair and a few thousand in wardrobe and anyone can look fabulous. Amazing, isn't it?
OK is it just me or is this odd to always carry your kids all the time? Skankolina was still carrying Maddox when he was 4. I though he was handicapped. Now she has Brad doing the same thing. I think Pax and Zahara are big enough to walk for themselves. Just another control feature of hers.
I'll give you a hint, they worship the Xanu god from crypton and has a husband who is in the closet... and has a friend who has a $500,000 computer in her closet. Source:Dlisted
So your first guess might be Skeletor but with the wrinkly tattoo you might say an old heroin addict found in an alley, nope.
Give up? A Socialitelife
Yep, it is Skankolina Jolie holding her newly aquired orpahnss hand. You know she is just a regular Mom, just like you taking her kids to their latest school with her 2 body guards. Yep, totally normal.
For someone who says she never does drugs, she seems to be smoking pot and discussing how to smuggle drugs. Did she really think that LK amd all of us would fall for her lies in that interview? Who would she blame this one on?
Paris told LK that she never had done any drugs and that was the first drink she had ever had. Well she must think that "shrooms" are not a drug. They are just a veggie.
This is pretty creepy but it seems these guys enjoy their "career" that they just started.
Source: Hollywoodstatrash
Hollywood Star Trash reports their trash list below:
Paris Hilton - May 31st * PLEASE NOTE: Due to the extreme PERSONAL nature of certain items we have found, we WILL NOT post them. The items will end up in the Star trash private vault.
Drug prescription made out to Paris Hilton - (1 of 2) Drug prescription made out to Paris Hilton - (2 of 2) Silver hat with feather Trims Unlimited box Hustler Hollywood bag Plain pillow case Polaroid of Nicky Hilton - Cut out Gold-colored plaque - Buddha image Zig-Zag package - Partially used Floss - Used 2 Kate Somerville -Used Guess box - Empty Foot-shaped thingy Chanel box Initialed pillow case - Embroidered with PH initials Birth control packet - Empty Polaroid of Paris Hilton and friend - Signed Paris 37 Cell phone game flyers - Signed Paris Hilton Pez package - Empty Hello Kitty dog toy bone - Chewed! Rainbow belt with $88.00 price tag still attached - Size XS Typed party playlist - Two pages Gift certificate for Kate Somerville made out to Paris Hilton Cigarette Butt B&W Photographic proof of Paris Hilton 2 Tooth-whitening gel syringes - One used and one new 2 Toothbrushes - One pink and one Green Toothbrush package - Empty Too Faced cosmetic bag Travel size bottle of Hair Tech - Empty 2 boxes of Too Faced products Box of PH Prescription moisturizer - Empty Box of Nutra Bisse' Shock Cream - Empty Box of Too Faced Eyelash Injection mascara - Empty Too Faced Bronzer tube - Partially used Tiny box of Sun Maid raisins - Empty Small box of Time to Treat eye reviver Small blue gift box - Empty One short platinum blond hair extension - With clip Tiny bean with LOVE written on it Can of organic gourmet dog food - Empty 4 blue Hello Kitty towels - Used Kodak picture of party people Plane ticket stub for Hawaii - Under Paris Hilton's name Receipt for $6,106.17 for Lisa Kline Various sticky notes Various receipt fragments Various fan mail - Envelopes addressed to Paris 2 Envelopes addressed to Jason Moore Imitation diamond studded letters that spell out PARIS Small charms Tiny silver skull 4 Magazines addressed to Paris Hilton 2 Coke cans - Empty 2 Sprite cans - Empty Fancy Feast cat food can - Empty 2GB memory card - In opened package 5 Glacier water bottles Sierra Nevada Pale Ale bottle - Empty Facial cotton pads - Smeared with make-up Q-Tips - Smeared with make-up 11 Business cards FedEx Envelope addressed to Paris Hilton's home, with phone number - Opened Paris Hilton - June 7th Baby bracelet with name PARIS stitched in white over red Raffia black cross bracelet Contact lense case + One BLUE contact lense - Used Wilkinson diposable razor - Used Gilette disposable razor handle - Used 51 Empty DVD cases - Included are: 2 Kim Kardashian Celebrity Sex Tape Scandal and Paris' own Bottoms Up 2 Vintage China pillowcases Zig-Zag package - Empty Box of Freshlook Blue contact lenses - 3 Open - 5 Unused Travel-size Degree deodorant - Used Cigarette butt Alka Seltzer packet - Empty Black Chanel cloth baggie Fred Segal plastic bag with attached note that reads "Gift s & Cards" Folding fan 4 Long platinum blonde hair extensions Bottle of prescription pills - 4 pills (Only the labeled bottel will be sold, pills will not be sold for legal reasons) 39 Envelopes (USPS/FedEx) mailed to Paris Hilton Century Regional Detention Facility - Booking #9818783 (Including one mailed by Star magazine) 1 Ripped envelope addressed to Paris Hilton Century Regional Detention Facility 2 Partial envelopes addressed to Paris Hilton Century Regional Detention Facility 2 Fragments of photograph - Marijuana Leaf purse Pink rabbit foot Photocopy of In Touch magazine dated 10/3/05 about Stavros and Mary-Kate Olsen - Date circled in pen 2 Receipts in Japanese for Kiddieland store Merchandise tags - Various 14 Business cards Various receipt fragments various sticky notes Fan mail Cream-colored crocheted headband "Too Hot" Button Two-finger ring that reads "Taken" 2 handcuffs Charms "Best Friend" Silver charm 2 magazines addressed to Paris Hilton 1 Coke can Glacial water bottle - Empty Glacial water bottle - partially full with cigarette butt 5 Envelopes addressed to Paris Hilton Entertainment on North Canon Drive - Opened 2 Advertisements addressed to Paris Hilton Entertainment on North Canon Drive Large plastic envelope simply labeled: Paris 6.05.07 - Opened Envelope addressed to Paris Hilton - Opened Kate Somerville loop terry cloth spa hair band Partial T-Mobile phone bill - Are code 212 NY Partial T-Mobile phone bill - Area code 310 LA Fan mail from NY petty officer Fan mail from Japan Fan postcard from Alameda Fan mail in Japanese and English (2pages)+ 2 pics Grocery list 26 lipstick / nail polish 2 Make up sponges 4 Make up puffs Metal compact case of two-tone lipgloss - Used Make up powder jar with puff Neosporin tube - used 2 Small boxes of curio cereal: "Cheery-Ho" and Porn Flakes" Fruity Snack packet - Open and empty Beverly Hills Cab receipt for "Jason" to Paris' address for $22.95 Dianne Brill Eye Lingerie tube - Empty Mylanta bottle - Open 3 Scripts from Endeavor Talent Agency: "Surfer Dude," "Be Kind Rewind" and Ruby Coopersmith and Her Totally Embarassing family" B-Day invite to "Area" nightclub Ella Dish dog leash - New, with tag Fax cover from Paris Hilton Enteratainment Time Warner bill (not Paris) - Partial 2 Opti-Free lenses disingfecting solutions - Open Komenura hair conditioning treatment Tiara? - Fragment Clip-on earring - Single Bubble Yum gum pack - Unopened Go Smile in metal case Freezing hair spray can - Empty Aromatherapy Hangover Remedy scent inhaler packet - Open/Empty 4 Sominex pills Red lip-shaped wallet Lufthansa hand whipes - Unopened Peppermint mouth wash 20 ml. bottle - Open 2 Small face tube- Open Hollywood Fashion Tape box "Holds Your Clothing in Place" - Empty Classic Ear ear plug in box Refresh Plus lubricant eye drop dispenser - Open 2 Alka Seltzer packets - Unopened 4 Future Labs Remedy packets - Unopened 2 La Preire mosturizing lip balms - Opened Yellow Toothbrush Clear toothbrush 2 Glitter paint jars ( 1 gold, 1 silver) Ripped and damaged blk/white photograph of Paris Hilton - Signed in silver 3 Sticky notes - Written Orange torn envelope addressed to paris Hilton with to-do list written on back Partial bank statement Phone number written on piece of paper
Poor Paris must be exhausted from her 6 hrs of getting new extensions and then all the rehearsing her lines with her crisis PR team that her family hired to repair her image. It takes a lot of energy to remember all the lies.
She was photographed Thursday after landing in Maui for a much needed vacation. Life is so hard being a "Star". The black wig really tricked us. LOL
Here is a quote from last night's Larry King Interview:
KING: Have you ever been addicted to drugs?
KING: Taken drugs.
KING: Never taken drugs?
After the interview King said to his colleague Paula Zahn: "I think there is a kind of denial over having done anything wrong. She denies having used drugs ever."
Here is the video of Paris smoking pot. She must have been told by her lawyer that this didn't count.
** This was a classic lie of hers. She wanted us to think it was a "trick" and she was able to slip into jail unnoticed and no one ever saw her but look at the picture below where Kathy has her window obviously unrolled so everyone could see. So naturally they wanted to be seen, as usual.
KING: We’ll get to hear some of the notes that Paris Hilton kept while in confinement in the jail in Los Angeles. How about those — you get a little shocked when you know you’re going to jail, and then they see you at the MTV Awards walking the red carpet. Doesn’t that look like a contradiction?
HILTON: Actually, I was playing a trick on everyone. Because outside my house, outside the Lynwood facility, there were paparazzi, I heard, from all around the world. So I thought, if I went to the MTV Awards, snuck out during the show, I could get there unnoticed. And that’s what we did. No one even saw me going in.
KING: Get where unnoticed?
HILTON: Getting into Lynwood. I don’t want to cause a whole media circus going in.
KING: So you used MTV as kind of a camouflage?
HILTON: Yes, because everyone was asking me at the show, they were like, oh, so you’re going to the after party? And I was like, yeah, I’ll be there. I knew the whole time I was there that I was going to be checking myself right into jail.
** She fired her publicist and claimed he was the one who told her that it was ok to drive.Citynews.ca reported that Hilton claimed at a Los Angeles Superior Court hearing that Mintz had told her she was permitted to drive for work-related reasons after her license was suspended for driving under the influence of alcohol. Judge Michael Sauer wouldn't accept her contention. The 26-year-old socialite has since said she feels she's been treated cruelly. Mintz apologized for the misunderstanding and wished Hilton well.
Then she told King it was her Lawyer who told her it was OK to drive. KIng should have asked her about when she was stopped the first time and said she didn't know she wasn't allowed to drive and the police wrote her out the order and told her again that she was not allowed to drive. When she was arrested the last time and she tired to lie again and say she didn't know about her suspension, the police found the signed (by her) reminder the police gave her was still in her glove box.
"HILTON: I was told that I had my license. My lawyer told me the license is suspended for 30 days, no driving. Then 90 days then after that you could drive to and from work. So for 30 days, I never drove once. Then after that it was for work related purposes."
Yes, Skankolina tells the world she can't stand to eat because so many people are starving. Oh wait I think her brother said that and she claims it is from her Mother passing. In a recent interview she stated "Brad and I talk about it often with how we’re going to raise our children. And we want to make sure that we raise them to have as much respect for, and as much comfort in, the village with no video games and no comfortable beds and sheets and fancy this and that, and that they have just as much fun, and, as I said, just as much respect for those people as they do for somebody in the big city with all these other interesting things."
While she wants us to think she is down to earth and shows up at red carpet events in $26 dresses, behind close doors is a much different story.
Baby Shiloh aka: the Blob has a $17,000 dimond pacifer.The 278 pave cut white diamonds totaling 3 carats are set in a 14K European white gold pacifer. The other kids are sporting $120 jeans and $400 T shirts. Now I can see how she doesn't want her kids to grow up spoiled.
Now I know they think we believe everything they say is perfect and the way they look is natural but do they really expect us to this is natural. They should take lessons from Sharon Osbourne who admits she has had everything done and she looks great and doens't have to drive down a dark Mexican alley to meet her surgeon and end up with results like this. Source:City Rag Source: Getty Source:City Rag
NOTE:******Paris featured here at the Dream Catchers Promotion. The lady in pink does the extensions in Beverly Hills.*******
Well, while Plastic Paris claims she has changed I am HOPING the thing that she has changed is that she hires a driver when she gets drunk.
Paris told Barbara Walters in an interview “I’m not that superficial girl," she said. "I haven’t looked in a mirror since I got here. My purpose in life is to be where I am.” Who ever said that hair extensions are superficial?
We all know that she is faker-than-fake and her shy parade out of jail was purely because her extensions were ratty, her eyes were brown (no lenses), her makeup was from the jail store but she did have her eyelash extensions still on. She still did her annoying runway walk.
8 hrs after she was sprung from jail the "Dream Catchers" van arrived carrying her 21" blonde extensions to redo her fake hair. The countdown was on for her Larry King interview and she needed to get glammed up, hair extensions out & hair extensions in.
As the van zipped by the cameras I wondered why the Plastic Paris would have the van show up with lettering all over it. Wouldn't she want us to believe that the hair is real as she wants us to think her eyes are blue, she is a "business woman", and all the other lies she feed us?
A little digging led me to learn that Chris Volek, founder and CEO of HairTech, set up shop in August, 2006 in Beverly Hills, California. Then in January 2007, he signed a deal with Paris Hilton as the face of the DreamCatchers brand. So she is getting paid and it makes sense that she wants sales to flourish so she can maybe get back her repo'd car that she lost while in jail.
So let's all support Paris and get fake hair like hers. Call up and order a set today. Let's all show our support so that she can get back her car and try to rebuild her life that the court system took away from her. Whatever! LOL
The much anticipated release is complete.At 12:01am Paris walked out of the Lynwood Correctional facility.No false eyelashes and no trademark blue contacts she emerged playing the "shy" role.
Now we will be faced with more of her nonsense and lies for weeks to come.The "changed" woman is out.
This is from Paris's personal video tape and the friend she is filming says " this is the way everyone should do blow". That's not baby powder friends, that is a kilo of cocaine. This is all in the unsensored videos of Paris's that were lost because she didn't pay her bill and the contents were actioned off. Once again Paris said she didn't know she was supposed to pay for it. She thought the movers were going to pay. Have we heard that line before? The Associated Press reported, "The items were sold to an unidentified buyer after a third party failed to make payments to the facility, and eventually wound up in the hands of a broker aiming to sell them..." Paris owed several $208 payments. Eventually they were bought and resold for 10 million and now Parisexposed.com was launched. On the bottom of this blog you can watch a video sample free. If you want to join you will have to spring for $39.95 for a month!
Source: Radaronline Paris is very close with her girlfriends as you can see.
Dlisted reported that Justin Timberlake left fans calling him a "fuckface" when he refused to pose for pictures and spit at them outside his Swedish hotel. Justin responded to them by saying, “You’re calling me a fuckface? Go fuck yourself!”
They also reported that when a little girl later asked him for a picture he responded with, “You want me to juggle also?”
Jessisa didn't seem to be bothererd by Justins behavior. Justin shouted at the photographer "you f-ing a-hole" and his bodyguard threatened to crush my cell phone," an onlooker tells Usmagazine.com.
Justin then took a picture of one of the photographers showed it to him, and said, "This is a picture of an a-hole."Then Usmagazine reported that his bodyguard added, "How 'bout I punch you in the face?"
The thing that I find amazing is the paparazzi actually have power that they could control all this. When a star acts like this then they should all just boycott them and not take pictures. When they are promoting something they are all over the cameras then then they expect to go out in public in a foreign country and not be photographed? I'm sorry but this is what you signed up for. Deal with it or get a new job.
First we had Woody Allen run off with his adopted daughter and now is it just me or does it look like Ashton is looking a bit too lovingly at Rumer, his step daughter?
I'm thinking the future is not looking real good for Demi. As normal as they all claim to be, there is just something really, really wrong with this picture.
Britney takes her little one out on an adventure. Now there is her and the tot in the back seat so just what do you make of this wild screaming? I am thinking she might need to go back to rehab for a anger management review.
Well here it is folks. A copy of Paris's herpes medication RX. Now as shocked as you probably are that someone with such high standards like Paris would have, it is just amazing that she would have contracted herpes is just beyond me also. I am sure no one told her, or it is her publicists fault or the media's fault for just trying to make her out to be something that she is not.
So maybe Paris has an outbreak and that was why she needed to be released at 2am and which is my a gyno was seen leaving her house at 4am the night she was released.
As the clock ticks down for Paris to be released we all wait with much anticipaction. I am will to bet you can place bets in Vegas on her chances of "changing".
This picture was taken right before she was locked up and as you can see she was very "excited" with her new books she bought. The Bible and The Power of Now. She sure looks like she is ready to go to Church.
Paris's New "Changed" Look Check List:
Bible~ Check The Power of Now~ Check Dress like a Mom~ Check Cross made out of coins~ Check Nipples ready to cut glass~ Check
OK so we all know that stars are all airbrushed. But I want you to take a good look at these and take a guess who owns these flesh sacks?
Source: Dlisted.com
Joan Rivers? No, she would have hers lifted and tight, Carol Channing? Oh is she even alive? She might be dead by now. OK How about a 95 year old escapee from a local nursing home?
Are you ready?
Source: Dlisted.com
Kate Moss! Let's just say this is proof that it's not good for everyone to follow the Skankolina diet.And she is paid millions for her pictures. Amazing!
Us magazine reported that now it is CNN that is going to interview the Princess. CNN source claims that "Paris will not be paid a dime for the interview." Oh of course not. They don't pay for the interview but they are allowed to pay for pictures,videos,etc. So she won't get $$ for interview but you can be sure she will get paid for photos,etc.
Supposedly the million dollar NBC deal fell through and US magazine reported" after family friend Barbara Walters reportedly declined a personal request by Hilton that she conduct a paid interview for ABC. A $300,000 photo exclusive with People was also reportedly scrapped."
Looks like Paris is really trying to milk this for all it is worth. Lets see how long it is before she is back to her old self again?
Just like Skankolina, Paris can't fake it for too long.
This is going to be a real comedy act. We will have 1 hr of her lying about the torture, her Jesus studies and how she is how she changed. Remember when she held a press conference to tell the world she was going to abstain for a year? Yeah well I think this "new and improved Paris" will last about as long as that did.
It airs Wed. night at 9pm EST, get some popcorn and have a seat. This one is going to be good!
Ummm, I am thinking this picture shows she used to not be skeletor like she is now. She obviously has figured it out that you get more attention be being super skinny than by being normal. She will do anything to get more attention. I think her and Paris would make a great team. The two of them love to have their pictures all over the tabloids and both will lie and do anything to get them in there.
Source: Hollywood Rag
Well, looks like Paris will have to spend part of her million dollar pay off from her interview (which NBC is denying of course to probaby avoid any backlash from the public)
Hollywood rag reported that Paris's Mercedes has been repo'd. Her Mercedes some with a sticker price of $500,000 and she hasn't made a payment in over 2 months so they came and repo'd her wheels.
I am willing to lay money on her putting the blame on someone else as she always does.
We'll have to see is it the media? The Judge? Her Publicist? She will blame it on someone, in true Paris Style.
Tonight on Anderson Cooper he reported that the New York Post has reported that NBC beat out Barbarba Walters on securing the first post jail interview with Paris Hilton.
It is against policy for people to get paid for interviews so NBC uses a "back door" type of payment. They do this by paying supposedly for a picture,etc.
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers are obviously upset since it is not obvious that Paris is going to profit from her serving this time for violating her drunk driving probation 2 times.
Paris is not only getting a million dollars but she also chose the show, The Today Show and she only wants Meridith to ask the questions because she has heard Matt Lauer say some things about her that she didnt' like.
Last night she was with Anderson Cooper telling how she is saving the world. Funny she only mentioned 2 million she has donated over the last 6 years. Hmmm? What happened to the 14 million she scored for Shilo's pics or the 4 million she got from her selling her newly aquired trophy Pax's pics? That's is 18 million in a year. Not bad for the ones we found out about. How many others did she sell? Well here is the latest scoops from a group she started and was running around advertising that she was funding.
Today Perezhilton.com reported that "The Maddox Jolie Project (MJP) was a conservation effort Angelina began “to protect and rehabilitate the wildlife, eco-system and watershed conservation values” her adopted son’s homeland of Cambodia."
Read for yourself to see what a fraud this woman is.
4. Formerly funded by Angelina Jolie
Project Title: Maddox Jolie Project (MJP) Project Goal: The overall goal of this project is to protect and rehabilitate the wildlife, eco-system and watershed conservation values of the Samlaut Multiple Use Area, Battambang Province. Project Objectives: The objectives of this project over the initial three-year period are therefore to:
Protect and rehabilitate the wildlife, eco-system inside Samlaut Protect Area
Benefit the communities around the Samlaut Protected Area
Project Rationale: Cambodia has had a long history in protected area development. By the time of independence in 1957 over two million hectares of Cambodia’s forest was designated as either wildlife sanctuary or forest protection reserves. The subsequent intervention of political insecurity, war, and political isolation resulted in the neglect of these reserves. However, the re-establishment of protected areas has become an integral part of Cambodia’s national rehabilitation since the beginning of the post-war period. A key aspect of this development has been efforts to provide for nature conservation and wildlife protection. This includes the designation of 23 separate protected areas by Royal Decree in November 1993.
The Samlaut Multiple-Use Management Area is one of these. Located on the Cambodian – Thai border within an isolated portion of far western Cambodia, it has a total area of approximately 60,000 hectares. About 39,000 ha. lie within the municipality of Pailin whilst the remaining 21,000 ha. lie within Samlaut district of Battambang province. Its boundaries follow old road alignments, some of which have been maintained in trafficable condition and river and stream courses. The reserve was therefore designated as a multiple-use management area because of concerns that the inevitability of industrialized gemstone mining would lead to the substantive degradation of its nature conservation values. Project Status: Because of lack of funds the future of this project is uncertain.
Click here to read the article "Tree Oil Vats Dismantled".
Click here to read the article "Call for Deforestation Stop".
Click here for photos from the signing of the MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) with the Ministry of Environment.
What is going on here? Her mouth looks like a very depressed fish, her sprayed on tan looks like the color that people paint a fence and her boobs....Ummmm I know they all want us to believe that they are real but come on, whose boobs look like that?
What is she now? She is a D list actress, a bad lip sync singer, can't dance so all she has is her looks? Yikes. I have a feeling PaPa Joe is going to have his work cut out for him to rekindle her career.
She is yet another proof that you don't have to have talent to be famous, you just need a good manager and a plastic surgeon, millions of dollars of equipment and a good airbrushing.
Britney has her attorneys working over time preparing to sue Clear Channel because this radio station posted these billboards and Britney is supposedly in the middle of her "comeback".
Ummm? What comeback? She doesn't need to worry about the billboard making her look like a nut, she takes care of that on her own.
OK, Go ahead and guess who this mess belongs to. I'll give you a hint, she lip syncs, goes into public rest rooms with no shoes on, claims to have never had a boob job, attacks cars with umbrellas, likes to show the va jay jay in public and last but not least, shaves her head when her extensions are too tight and things aren't going quite the way she likes them to go.
Source:Hollywood Rag
Source: Hollywoodrag
Did you guess it right? Yep, none other than the Billy of 90210
If you care to review the history of Britney's boob size, I thought I share this with you. Enjoy!
In an interview with "the Daily Mail" James Haven explained 'Maybe I haven't found the right woman because my sister is too picky for me. Any woman has to go through two filters, me and then my sister. I'm a perfectionist by nature. Then, because I'm so close to Angie it's like I've already got the perfect woman in my life and it's hard for anyone else to live up to that." Is it just me or does anyone else find this Brother/Sister closeness odd?
Angelina has announced for the world to hear, " I am so in love with my brother" How many times did she open mouth kiss and fawned over her brother and as always she acted as if she was just misunderstood. Hmmm? OK then let's just say she really, really is close with her brother.
Source: Static Flcker Is it just me or are Angelina's eyes looking more and more Asian each time we see her? I realize make up can do alot but her eyes are now slanted downward, almond shape and are not the eyes she had before. She has obviously had work done on them. Is she trying to look more like her trophies she collects?
She seems to have a thing with mohawk's with Maddox. She has been giving him mohawks since she aquired him. So I don't think this was his request.
Her Ex Lesbian Lover Jenny Shimizu who she spent 12 yrs with on and off over the years. She met her while starting opposite her in Gigi. Is there a pattern with that with Angelina? Hmmm?
People adorn this woman for her looks. She claims it is natural. Of course she will. She also claims she saves the world, is a saint and is the world's best lover and mother.
Her "natural" balloon lips made every man's mind race. Men's magazine voted her the sexiest woman alive and we all know that we all are born to satisfy every man's fantasy, well that is what we are "expected to do".
Well ladies, all you have to do is have about $100,000 and you too can have those lips, that nose, those cat eyes, those cheeks and her silicone fun bag that drive men wild.
Here are a collection of before and after pictures which I think will show you that yes in deed, Saint Angelina has gone under the knife multiple times and NO! she is not natural. She is as authentic as Paris Hilton's singing, or the Simpson sisters talent.
We will take a walk down memory lane. Let's look at her High School picture. Note the big round eyes now she has somehow morphed into these Asian slanted cat eyes. It's not just the make up, look at the SHAPE of the eye. Then she had the thick stubby nose. Now she has a elegant, much narrower nose. Then she had a huge bottom lip and the small top lip. Now somehow she has grown huge lumpy, lips. Then there were the absence of chiseled cheekbones, now she suddenly has high, defined cheek bones.
Here is a closer look at her before pics of Angelina.No exploding top lip, no cat/Asian eyes, no high cheek bones, no defined nose.
Well she claims she inherited them from her father. Let's see if that is true.
Looks like Dad doesn't have the big exploding lips that she says she got from him. Sorry about the quality but this picture you can see her top lip is small and her eyes are still round.She had not turned Asian yet.
Notice the explosion of the lips in this picture.The bumps are there as the tell tale sign of scaring from injections. Not only has th top exploded but the bottom can be used as a flotation device.
Lisa Rinna who is known for her injections has the same lumpy mess that Angelina has Close up of the lumps from scaring on her lips, now tell me if you still think she is natural? Her lips are the same as Lisa's.
Click on image for full size Click on image for full size image of her lips