Source:Daily Telegraph
Here is a quote from last night's Larry King Interview:
KING: Have you ever been addicted to drugs?
KING: Taken drugs.
KING: Never taken drugs?
After the interview King said to his colleague Paula Zahn: "I think there is a kind of denial over having done anything wrong. She denies having used drugs ever."
Here is the video of Paris smoking pot. She must have been told by her lawyer that this didn't count.
This was a classic lie of hers. She wanted us to think it was a "trick" and she was able to slip into jail unnoticed and no one ever saw her but look at the picture below where Kathy has her window obviously unrolled so everyone could see. So naturally they wanted to be seen, as usual.
KING: We’ll get to hear some of the notes that Paris Hilton kept while in confinement in the jail in Los Angeles. How about those — you get a little shocked when you know you’re going to jail, and then they see you at the MTV Awards walking the red carpet. Doesn’t that look like a contradiction?
HILTON: Actually, I was playing a trick on everyone. Because outside my house, outside the Lynwood facility, there were paparazzi, I heard, from all around the world. So I thought, if I went to the MTV Awards, snuck out during the show, I could get there unnoticed. And that’s what we did. No one even saw me going in.
KING: Get where unnoticed?
HILTON: Getting into Lynwood. I don’t want to cause a whole media circus going in.
KING: So you used MTV as kind of a camouflage?
HILTON: Yes, because everyone was asking me at the show, they were like, oh, so you’re going to the after party? And I was like, yeah, I’ll be there. I knew the whole time I was there that I was going to be checking myself right into jail.
She fired her publicist and claimed he was the one who told her that it was ok to reported that Hilton claimed at a Los Angeles Superior Court hearing that Mintz had told her she was permitted to drive for work-related reasons after her license was suspended for driving under the influence of alcohol. Judge Michael Sauer wouldn't accept her contention. The 26-year-old socialite has since said she feels she's been treated cruelly. Mintz apologized for the misunderstanding and wished Hilton well.
Then she told King it was her Lawyer who told her it was OK to drive. KIng should have asked her about when she was stopped the first time and said she didn't know she wasn't allowed to drive and the police wrote her out the order and told her again that she was not allowed to drive. When she was arrested the last time and she tired to lie again and say she didn't know about her suspension, the police found the signed (by her) reminder the police gave her was still in her glove box.
"HILTON: I was told that I had my license. My lawyer told me the license is suspended for 30 days, no driving. Then 90 days then after that you could drive to and from work. So for 30 days, I never drove once. Then after that it was for work related purposes."
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