Dlisted reported that Justin Timberlake left fans calling him a "fuckface" when he refused to pose for pictures and spit at them outside his Swedish hotel. Justin responded to them by saying, “You’re calling me a fuckface? Go fuck yourself!”
They also reported that when a little girl later asked him for a picture he responded with, “You want me to juggle also?”
Jessisa didn't seem to be bothererd by Justins behavior. Justin shouted at the photographer "you f-ing a-hole" and his bodyguard threatened to crush my cell phone," an onlooker tells Usmagazine.com.
Justin then took a picture of one of the photographers showed it to him, and said, "This is a picture of an a-hole."Then Usmagazine reported that his bodyguard added, "How 'bout I punch you in the face?"
The thing that I find amazing is the paparazzi actually have power that they could control all this. When a star acts like this then they should all just boycott them and not take pictures. When they are promoting something they are all over the cameras then then they expect to go out in public in a foreign country and not be photographed? I'm sorry but this is what you signed up for. Deal with it or get a new job.
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