Source: & US magazine
Feed Me, Give me more Twinkies.I could eat a whole box of them.
Angelina is once again getting confused with her lies. She is claiming in an interview with US magaine she has always been thin but she lost her Mom this year and she has 4 children that she had to take care of and she just quit breast feeding so she has to work on getting her nutrition straightened out.
This woman is not breast feeding. She is lying about for sure. First of all, she left Shiloh for a whole month, months and months ago. She went for a week in Chad, then 2.5 weeks to Vietnam and then ditched her new trophy with Brad and flew off to Chicago for three days for a movie she was auditioning for. ( yes, we know she said she was going to be a stay at home Mom just 2 days earlier) No she stopped breast feeding long ago. Just another lie.
Meanwhile her brother James Haven came up with a different story. He said it came from her visiting Cambodia and no one having food and it makes her feel guilty to just be able to order food. So she doesn't want to eat when others don't have food. Now it doesn't see to bother her to dress her kids in $300 T shirts and own multiple multi million dollar homes and own planes and multi million dollar yachts, but evidently the food part bothers her.
I think these two need to email their excuses so that can at least sound close with their lies.
She said she always has been thin, well that bottom picture sure looked like she was enjoying her food then.
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