asked what state Spears might have a valid driver's license in and city attorney spokesman Frank Mateljan replied: "Not in California." He would not confirm if Spears even had a valid driver's license in any state. He did say,"According to DMV records in California, no license has ever been issued to her,he said.
So when she got pulled over heading to Las Vegas for wreckless driving and speeding, they didn't notice she didn't have a license? We know they let her go since she claimed she was out running the paprazzi but they didn't bother to check her license? Hmmmm? I didn't know we can now drive without a license.
They courts will see the video of Britney, hitting the car, asking the paparazzi if she "hurt her car" getting out and hitting the car with her door, walking to the front and looking at her car and never even glancing at the car she hit. That pretty much shows how she feels she does nothing wrong.
The owner of the car,Kim Robard-Rifkin, a 59-year-old registered nurse, waited until Aug 9th to file a police report when Britney didn't bother contacting her.
Three days after the accident, the owner of the other vehicle, Kim Robard-Rifkin, filed a police report,and investigators later determined that Spears does not have a license, officials said.
Kim Robard-Rifkin said she learned it was Spears who had hit her car through a video posted on the celebrity Web site
She said she was "sort of amused and sort of shocked" when she learned Spears was the source of the damage
"I simply want my car fixed, the same as I would fix somebody's car if I had done that," Robard-Rifkin had said.
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