Dr 90210 Rober Rey and his whiney, toothpick wife, Haley purchased this house is 2005. It is located on 2620 Hutton Dr. Beverly Hills, California. The asking price was $4,900,000 but Dr. Rey paid about 4.5 million.
It is 6,217 sq ft. and features 5 bedrooms and 5 baths.
Dr. Rey bought this house from Hollywood bombshell Rachel Welch in October of 2005. She originally had purchased the house from comedian Jeff Foxworthy in 1997 but the records do not indicate what she paid for the home at the time. The decorations in these pictures are that of Rachel Welch's. I am sure that Haley hired an anorexic designer to hang out with and decorate the house while they licked a piece of celery for lunch.
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