Angelina Jolie Draws Attention To Her Childrens Races

Recently I had posted on how Angelina Jolie said that Shiloh was the odd one in her family because she is Caucasian and looks like Brad. (well except her mouth that won't close is like her Mom's) Anyway, I was thinking and the only reason this child is going to feel odd is because Angelina keeps talking about it. She always brings up her "rainbow family" and seems to like to draw attention to the kids races. Do you honestly think children would be aware of their race/color differences if Angelina didn’t keep talking about it. Come on - a kid is a kid is a kid. Each kid needs love and a good parent regardless of where they happen to be from or who gave birth to them.

Each of her kids is privileged any way you look at it. So to single out Shiloh is just wrong. I really think she does it just for the press because then she knows the controversy will get everyone talking about her.

These poor kids of hers are going to have to grow up reading everything their wacky Mother said and every way it can be twisted around to mean whatever she wants it to mean.

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