Why Did Britney Lose Her Boys & Does She Care?

The judge ordered that both parents show up Monday AM with their valid licenses and Britney of course didn't have one. (she does now) Then he also had ordered she take the drub tests, she refused and he ordered that neither parent drink 12 hrs before the kids are going to be in their care. Well, TMZ had shot video of Britney out partying and drinking less than 12 hrs before she was going to get the kids. TMZ has been notified that the judge wants that tape.

The bottom line is Britney thinks she is above the law. Now she has her team paddling as fast as they can to try to "fix it". They might fix it for her in a month but she will be back at it again. She thinks no one has the right to make her do anything.

All I can say is "Anna Nicole Smith"!


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