Pregnant Angelina Starting To Pimp Her Fetuses Already

When Angelina Jolie gave birth to Shiloh she earned 14 million selling pictures of Shiloh. When She adopted Pax, the poor kid hadn't even spent one night in peace before she had scored a cool 4 million to let the photographers sneak in the bedroom and take pictures of the new child while he slept. She sold pictures of her and Maddox staring over a rice paddy, she sold pictures of her and all the kids looking at a map in a field. She tried to sell pictures of Maddox's 6 yr birthday war party but a photog snapped the pics and sold them early so it blew her plans.

Now here we are again. She is scientifically insperminated with twins and she is going to sell her story and "donate the money". Do you really believe this woman donates this money she collects? If that were true you would hear of these huge sums. All we ever hear is Brad "pledged" 5 million. Well "pledge" and "donate" are two different things.

So she will get millions to tell her lies of how she naturally conceived twins and how she is a hands on Mom. Then when she pops she will be selling more pictures and once again claim she is donating. I would love to see where all this money she supposedly donates goes to.

Between selling her story of the pregnancy and then the pictures of the kids after, that should be enough for all the money Brad is trying to get for New Orleans houses.

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